Sprouty Mcplant

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since Jun 30, 2021
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Recent posts by Sprouty Mcplant

I started to reduce my sugar intake by baking cakes (instead of buying store-bought treats).

I go with slightly less and less sugar and choose recipes accordingly. Since I use much less sugar, I still could have a big dessert, without having as much sugar in my system. If you're addicted, either step par step or all in, but either way will require willpower.

Good luck to you
3 years ago
Hi !

I can't see your picture, so I don't know how much is too much. If you go with a salad, that's maybe 1/2 tomatoes per person per meal. So, to use them more effectively, I'd indeed put them in a sauce (or several).

Four about 2 person's worth of sauce, I go with 8 oz of cream cheese, olive oil, salt, pepper, and 6 to 7 tomatoes, and either garlic, herbs or oinions.

You can also cook a batch of several sauces and freeze them. There are also some recipes, such as osso bucco that require to stew in a tomato sauce. With this recipe for example, you can replace the can tomatoes with about 10 to 12 tomatoes (for 6 persons, but you can freeze the rest).

Edit:I don't know how to write properly
3 years ago
I'd say that the first recourse would be to exted their walking space. This can effectively b done with a jungle gym.

In addition to grain, vegetables (and even vegetable scraps) work great to make chicken happy, tought they end up everywhere in the enclosure, even if you arrange them neatly in a corner). At least, the ckicken are happy ^^
3 years ago

From my experience, once the roots reach deep, it is pretty much immortal (for the better and the worse).

Maybe you're planting your roots too close of the surface, and they'd end up affected by a strong heat. Could that be part of your problem?
3 years ago