I have Two geese myself, Bubbles and Nibbles. They are generally free roamers, but the yard they live in is rather devoid of grasses, but that is where their pond is. I have a fence between the yards with grass and the one without. This I have noticed makes it easier to incentive them from one yard to another. So I feed them grains and such near their pond and they happily flock to me for a trip to the grass yard. It also gives me a very good opportunity to bond with them more as my presence gets associated with their favorite food. I too have only seen my geese dig for roots, and that's usually when I'm flooding a spot for them on purpose. They are also great for cleaning up dropped fruit mess. It's like having one half duck and one half sheep with a snake duct taped to its' head. But now that I've had them, I'd never NOT want to have geese.