Alaric Michael

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since Jul 15, 2021
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Recent posts by Alaric Michael

Some light are great eco-friendly alternative to traditional wired lights. These lights can  help extend your chicken's egg production, allowing you to continue collecting farm fresh eggs during the long winter months.
3 years ago
So an LED drawing 1mA would last from 45 to 100 hours. Many LEDs are very dim at 1 mA. According to Duracell, the standard CopperTop AA cell has a capacity of between 2000 and 3000 mAH depending on how it is used and how end of life is determined.

Hopefully the point and the problems would be cleared after the information above mentioned posted for the user
3 years ago
Charging battery packs from a solar panel isn't as straightforward as you think – even if the solar panel output is regulated. We recently tested 10 different battery packs and 6 had serious problems with solar charging, while 2 more had minor problems
3 years ago
Hopefully the answers to your solution might be in the information shared below will help:

1. Calculate your load
2. Solar panel selection
3. Battery selection
4. Charge controller selection
5. Inverter Selection
6. Series and Parallel connections
7. Wiring
8. Selecting the solar cable
9. Selecting the correct size power inverter battery cables
10. Mounting the solar panels
11. Inverter and Battery stand
12. Solar PV design worksheet
3 years ago