Tommy Teeple

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since Aug 30, 2021
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Recent posts by Tommy Teeple

It's the impact of "Climate Engineering" that's one of the reasons  weneed to go the permaculture  direction & with food forest being a big component.....

7 months ago

M.K. Dorje Sr. wrote:If you have access to woodchips/sawdust, you might want to try King Stropharia (aka Wine Caps). This species takes the summer heat well, and should grow well during a mild, wet southern Cali winter. There is a ton of info on this website about this species, but here is a video from Field & Forest to get you started:

Wine Caps usually grow very fast, and heavy inoculations can yield mushrooms in a few months. They are the easiest mushroom to grow for beginners. Good luck!

Thank you. Just watched a vid about wine caps in new york city last night. Yours is more informative! Awesome & I'm going to try!!!
Ps. Tell me if you got this reply?

3 years ago
I've never grown shrooms.

Need advice on fastest growing mushroom in an area of garden that is damp & shaded thru out the winter. Chantrels grow off the oaks here in SoCal...

3 years ago