Sean Dunlap

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since Sep 03, 2021
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Recent posts by Sean Dunlap

Thanks Anne...the okra flower is surely among my favorites. I think I will try out some herbs along with some vining peas and see what works!

1 year ago
Oh that sounds like a lush and vibrant scene, Tereza! I like the idea of more of an herb-y addition, like lovage.
1 year ago
Ah yes, okra was my entry into seed saving and breeding, and so I always have a ton on hand!

I would like to do squash with the okra, but we are giving the garden a break from squash/pumpkins this year in a (probably fruitless) attempt to disrupt the pest cycle. Otherwise, it would be a great choice.

The okra I grow can range from 4 to 12 feet, so I think the C. nuttalliae should work for the mid-layer.

Its that ground layer I am now trying to suss out. Something that can tolerate both GA heat and shade from the okra.

I would very much like to try callaloo one day!
1 year ago
I’d like to try out a polyculture using okra this summer. I was thinking cowpeas and maybe huauzontle. Has anyone done this and have any suggestions for other annuals to use? Thanks!
1 year ago

Jan White wrote:This was my biggest kale this year. It's one of the ones my dog munched on over the winter. The main stalk she chomped died back and the plant grew multiple stalks from the base. It turned into a bit of a monster. Unfortunately, it wasn't as immune to aphids as some of my other plants, which is why it's still so big and not as harvested like my other plants. Strangely, some of the stalks had no aphids while some had quite a few, despite all being the same plant 🤔

I have around a dozen of these going now, with the oldest being 8 months old. I had the same thing happening with aphids...clustered on just on two stalks/leaves of just one of the older plants, with none on the others.
2 years ago
Hi Mark!

I heard you talk on a podcast a while back and got inspired! I started some black locusts from seed earlier this year, and over this last weekend planted out the first seven trees. Very excited for this project and to get a chance to dig into the new book!
2 years ago
Thanks for the reply Jan, good to know they could handle the heat. I've been seeing the same here as well, so far (we've hit around 35C a couple times already and they didn't skip a beat). Pretty excited.  
2 years ago
Hey hey!

I just started some 'Homesteader's Kaleidoscopic Perennial' Kale Grex seeds (2022 batch) from the Experimental Farm Network (a bit late I imagine, but what can ya do).

For anyone that has been growing this in the southeast with our hot and humid summers (with periods of drought) and mild winters (with freak swings and snaps), is there any tips or tricks you mind sharing? I am in zone 8a, outside of Athens, Georgia.

The description notes the grex's tolerance for dry conditions, but does not make mention of heat and humidity tolerances.

With 85 seeds per packet, I am sure at least one of these will do well...and maybe all?

Thanks for any insights!
2 years ago