Debra Bannerman

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since Sep 12, 2021
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Recent posts by Debra Bannerman

Thanks Scott for your posts, they are inspiring.

I myself have been divorced twice and am looking forward to better days. Having peace in the house with out addictions is something to be thankful for. God is good and I am grateful that His mercies are new every morning.

Prayers for you and your healing. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace.

1 month ago

Nick Borisenko wrote:No way, haha! I'm an INFJ too, and I feel exactly the same, and yeah, never yet had a partner. I never really thought those things are connected, and also with interest to permaculture - I'm not yet doing it for some difficult life circumstances but I closely research it, and hopefully one day...!

It's really nice to see so many fellow INFJs here, and some cool memes

I have taken this test before. Think I was an INFJ. But don't remember. Loved reading these posts. I am continuresearching living off grid. Premier stuff bit don't seem to be able to "get out of town". Would love country quiet. Lived a year or two on 25 acres cherry farm with my family as a kid, loved the space and quiet.
I am relating to the not  doing well finding a partner. I am divorced for the second time. Both turned out narcissistic... I was devastated. I am now living out of... hiding... in someone else's spare room. Could definitely do the van living thing if I could get myself together.
Thanks for listening.
2 months ago
HI Patrick welcome. Thanks for your posts and giveaway
2 years ago
Looks great, makes me want to right out to the kitchen and get busy.
3 years ago
Did you get photos yet?
3 years ago