michaelll collins

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since Sep 19, 2021
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Recent posts by michaelll collins

This was only a wall 3 weeks ago, then it became the second picture, and that's the finished shower today
3 years ago
I'm part of a community in western Arkansas, kinda near fortsmith, but in 20 miles from the nearest city. We focus on gardening and construction. We're looking for new members if you're interested/still searching for something
3 years ago
We have land 20 miles away from the nearest small city, with a large organic garden of many different edibles plants, and 2 buildings. We're in the process of constructing a community building and homesteading.

We're friendly and looking for others who are like-minded, interested in gardening, homesteading, and more natural living. For more info

3 years ago
Hey I read your community description and I'm sure I wouldn't go against anything you dislike, its all reasonable and what id also want. I'm very into natural living and its my dream to garden and help others in a good community. I'm about as chill as it gets, no extreme views or care to upset others, I have lots of endurance and willingness to help, and health is my favorite subject. Its just a bit far for me so could we discuss it before id cover that distance. Ill share whatever you wish to know. Hope we can talk eoon, you're describing my dream
3 years ago
I love your emphasis on healthy food and avoiding synthetic/chemicals. I'm the same exact way. I'm willing to join and believe I'd fit in perfectly. My gf is the same but couldn't join for another year. I am however a vegan and wouldn't want to be a part of using animals or anything releasing pollution. But I'm in good physical condition and would put in a ton of work toward whatever is needed, especially gardening
3 years ago
Hey I'm in physically good condition, completely fed up with polluted cities, and have a passion for a more natural way of life. Id especially enjoy gardening but willing to help with whatever as long as it's not burning gas. I've backpacked and camped for a whole year so that's not a problem
3 years ago
Hey its my dream to have everything you describe. I'm a vegan and passionate about growing organic plants. I'm in very good physical condition and would love helping build or whatever is needed. I want a community of people who value nature as much as myself. Id love to join
3 years ago
Hey I'm looking for a permaculture based homestead and don't use drugs. I'm wiling to put a large amount of work into gardening for a place to stay.
3 years ago
Hey I'm in missouri and not super far. I'm willing to travel and its a dream of mine to build a natural home. I have experience camping and can sustain myself, just looking for a place to call home and grow a garden
3 years ago