Nele Michele

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since Oct 25, 2021
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Golden, Colorado
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Recent posts by Nele Michele

bob day wrote:Well, I'm still around, counting some lucky stars and some not so lucky, wondering at the amazing coincidences that ganged up on me, and wondering if I have done too much tocompromise to my stated goal of managing my own health without the AMA..

What a tale Bob!   No doubt, extra dangers come from living alone.  A close call like this would make me re-evaluate for sure.  Keep us posted of your progress.  
2 years ago
Snuggling with my best girl and making scallops with truffle sauce.  A Savoie white to pour.  Do I sense a theme - dogs and seafood?    
3 years ago
I'm just a knitter, using animal fiber.  But that nettle page / video is very cool!  Nettles grow freely in the woods and fields where I live (central Colorado).  But as you note - what a labor intensive process, to harvest those fibers, dry / process them, spin into thread, weave, and make a garment!  Strikes me as entirely appropriate to the fiber artist (Allan Brown) but a lot of work for those who don't want to wear animal fiber.   Fascinating!  
3 years ago
It is beautiful.  Is that a particular pattern?  I'm a knitter, not a weaver, so I know very little about how one would describe the method or pattern.  

Let us see a picture of the finished product too!
3 years ago
Woad is an interesting plant.  The blue dye made from woad is ancient - think Mel Gibson's face in "Braveheart"!  Here in Colorado, it's on the noxious plant list A, though it is not common, merely "of concern".  It's a mustard (Brassicacae) and I would love to grow it, but try to stay away from the invasives!  Also, someone said cosmos was easier to grow than calendula, but I have the opposite experience.  Especially sulfur cosmos, which is the dye-producing variety - that one is harder to grow for me than the more common red/white/pink variety.  Too bad those don't make dye!  Calendula, on the other hand, I grew once and now have it everywhere.  A prolific seed setter.  

Anyway, very interesting discussion.  I'm a knitter but don't spin or dye (yet).  Love this group and have been reading it for months, though this is my first post.  

3 years ago