Howdy folks, I'm 73, and been blessed with two hernias and a nagging right hip, and six weeks ago, before the first snow in Southern Utah/near Nevada, I hoisted by new BIG chainsaw and cautiously and slowly cut down a twenty-four inch diameter, twenty foot tall dead pinion pine, and cut it into rounds, and loaded them onto my 1990 Ford 4x4, drove five hundred yards and unloaded beneath my 12x40 foot porch.
It may be mindlessness over matter, or just a "Damn right I can do it," attitude, but even at 73+ I've got more energy than some of my sons, and some nineteen year olds I know. Maybe it's the coffee. Yeah, it's definitely the coffee, well....or the rum and coke in evening as I relax in my recliner in a 12x12 shack, lined from floor to ceiling, and wall to wall with 2x6s, which heat nicely from the wood burner. And there I am, just relaxing, watching the candle play off the mirror behind it enjoying the mellow light cascading of the wood.
For they who can, staying active is the key, real active, and splitting wood is just as much fun with a big maul now as it has been for the last thirty years. Of course, I think it's my smoking Indian Cigarettes that help the most.
I can't wait to wake up each morning, start the fire, heat the coffee, sit and smoke, and then when I'm as fired up as the woodburner, slide that glass door open look out at the Pinions and Junipers and with great energy, turn around and have another cup of coffee, and THEN melt into the day doing whatever the hell I please.
SO WHAT'S THE POINT: joy, fun, bliss, ecstasy living in the outback, eighty miles from uncivilization, with nature, knowing that at the end of an active day I can pull them thar smoked ribs of the smoker and lean back and suckle those ribs bare.
And of course my other point is, if yeah don't stay a doin' it ain't long before you ain't doin. I got a good twenty years, and I AIN'T NOT spendin' 'em sittin in no rockin' chair starin' at CNN and watchin' cities implode and crime runnin' rampant. That's my take. And best regards to everyone. Tom