Holy Kamikaze, there's a lot lonely folks. This is all new to me. But it ain't gonna get old because there's a special gal, and we're gonna find each other. And, I wish everyone the very best.
I can't be the only one in Southern Utah, USA lookin' fer fun in the sun outback.
I kind of figured out how to put my picture (current) on the top right corner by my name, but haven't figured out how to put it with a post. But I will.
Just so ya know, it's only been a few weeks since me and my chainsaw cut down a monster DEAD pinion (that's a western tree...I know that 'cause it was wearin' a cowboy hat). Cut it into round, split, stacked, ready for snow. Oh...My families' twenty acre campground is at 7,000 feet, but it faces south east, and the snow don't last forever. Pinion
trees (think pinenuts) and Juniper trees are everywhere.
I figure it this way, if no one is interested, I'm gonna entertain you with words, ideas, and some of 'em will be from Pop's Wacky Wisdom, a book I don wrote before I started sippin' rum and coke. Now don't get the wrong idea. I only drink when I'm sober. Wait...that sounded weird. A little drink in the 'evening. Anyway, I'll be BACK.