Marco Swif

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since Dec 10, 2021
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Recent posts by Marco Swif

Hello, I know this is an old thread. However, I wanted to add  young tree avocados die with a slight frost! I'm in south of France with lovely warm summers, but the weather is wet and cold for 4-6months.... I lost 50 trees in a slight frost! Never again.... If there is a slight frost where the trees will physically be, no matter what country. They will not last long.....
5 months ago
Looks great.... I'll ask the boss first though! Happy New year to all. (Kind of, but if I said that on the first day of spring, most people would be puzzled). ..
1 year ago
Hello all... This may or may not be useful? We paid nearly 500 euros for a Berkey Water Filter with the white and black does everything! So we thought. After about a 18 months we noticed a metallic taste, we cleaned and changed all the filters many times but it didn't make any difference. We then did some more research and noticed that actually non of the Berkey Water Filters are approved apart from themselves! We then tested the water ourselves!  Our tap water was 230 ppi, filter 220 ppi, bottle mineral water 52 ppi and our local underground artisian well water 48 ppi... We gave the filter away in the end! waste of money and not great for health.....
1 year ago