Mayim Rainsong

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since Dec 15, 2021
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Recent posts by Mayim Rainsong

Kaarina Kreus wrote:As I have no electricity, wood storage is important.

Last spring, I got a huge amount of firewood when an area of the farm was cleared. However, the firewood was dumped in a pile and I had nowhere to store it.

We just finished the wood hut yeasterday. I will be carrying wood to the hut for the next two weeks!

That is the most beautiful AND clever wood shed I've ever seen.  I'd love to know how the notches are made to nest each "log" together.
1 year ago

Els Suggle wrote:As a child in South Carolina in the 1950s dirt poor South, my Daddy would make a potato hill. He would dig down about a foot in the ground make a maybe 24 inch round hole foot deep, line it with straw, not a whole bale maybe 3 inches, then put a burlap bag over that, pile potatoes in hole on top of burlap mounting them until you had a good bushel of white or sweet potatoes. Then he made a teepee over this with short small tree limbs, covered those with a burlap bag or 2, then piled dirt, straw over it all. Made a mound of dirt covered taters. He would leave a small opening just big enough to get your hand into, but would cover it with a brick. We would go out to the tater hills beside the barn get potatoes white or sweet for our mama to cook, taters lasted all winter. You want at least a good foot of dirt covering the teepee.

I am curious if people have tried this in Tennessee. I have heard that not harvesting your potatoes here does not work, and fear that this method might feed more critters than people.  Possibly hardware cloth might solve the latter issue.
1 year ago