Steve Johnston

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Recent posts by Steve Johnston

I wonder about things like the origins of reality, human evolution, underlying causes of things from subconscious motivations to whether or not this or that movie, commercial/ad, or news story is cultural engineering or propaganda. I wonder about the future of humanity quite a bit.

I do not care if women fart any more than I care if men do. I think in most contexts its rude  and an indication of ones character whether they try to hold it in and release it somewhere more appropriate place that won't offend the senses of a group of people or whether they don't care and let it rip. Smelling someone else's fart is gross, I don't think too many people would argue otherwise, but I understand that a few rare people may actually like it.

If a woman I was dating seriously, or girlfriend was afraid to fart around me I might be offended by that, more than if she did fart around me. When I was married my wife and I would hang out with each other in the bathroom while the other one pooped so its all about the context and situation.

I certainly don't judge women harsher for farting, in fact it might be the other way around because if a woman farts she is going against a social norm which could make her seem more interesting. I think farting is like many other things that women think men care about but that most of us could care less about, like eyebrows.

As far as the young vs older, I am 47 and do find women younger than me attractive, but my interest in them is less and less so I don't really consider them as potential pair bond match so they don't get the attention from me they used to. As I age I'm finding myself more attracted to women older than me in general, but the last woman I felt any significant attraction to was alot younger than me at 34. On dating apps my age group that I set in the settings to is usually kept at 37 and up, but I met the younger woman in real life, and my attraction to her was not primarily a physical attraction. I don't normally consider women that much younger than me as some one I'd be interested in dating.

What sort of look or appearance I am attracted is not a strict set thing in my mind. In have noticed I tend to end up and do well with a certain personality type (INFJ, but I do not seek them out) as opposed to body/image/cultural/ethnic types, but I find modesty very attractive and also I do NOT like make up and perfumes. I do not wear any cologne or anything like that either. It all makes me sick headache/nausea and I've never associated make up with making them actually look more attractive. Au naturale is how they actually look and where their actual beauty can be seen. I actually thought my exwifes body order smelled amazing, I loved it.

This man actually HATES loud noises. I don't mind the sound of a chan saw if I am using one, or if I'm getting fire wood with some one, or the sound of power tools when I'm using them, but I prefer the smell of gas, sawdust, and gun powder to the sounds coming from the same sources.

I'm a person who spends most of my time in my head thinking, and admittedly for most of the time I have to take in sensory information and think about it before processing and so incredibly loud noises are invasive, and cause instant sensory over load. I HATE motorcycles and souped up engines, and think the people who make those noises thinking they're cool, or to show off are maybe a little simpleminded and that they themselves are probably easily impressed, and easily fooled, and that they fool themselves into thinking they are impressing anyone by a loud noise.

However I think they do that because some women actually do like that. On a dating app if I read in a profile anything about motorcycles its an instant deal breaker and left swipe for sure. Not my cup o' tea.
An interesting thing that I've observed is that women in my age group are the ones who went overboard with hookups, and are now all looking for their 'forever guy', 'best friend and lover' like I am looking for the inverse.

A lot of very young girls are going overboard too, but the women I seem to be finding common ground with who are down to earth although independent are tin the 30 to 40 range.

So my thought is that the much younger generation, as in people who are children now are going to see what's happening to the older generations and that they will deal with it all very differently, and without abandoning binds pendency will revert to more 'old fashioned'/ways. Not implying female subjection and patriarchy when I say 'old fashioned'

If I weren't neuro-divergent I probably would be like these people I'm referring to in that I probably would have had so many sexual partners that I'd be incapable of settling down when I realized that's what I wanted to do.

I feel lucky in a way that I am not neuro-typical because I am capable of settling down.  In fact, of the women I am chatting with right now, the first me I actually might like  and who I did not meet through a dating app is a neurodivergent woman who is around 39/who dies not use those apps and has not been drawn into the delusion that promiscuity is freedom.

Every single culture on earth has some sort of marriage/pair bonding system that they develop regardless of how they arrange kinship. Over 80% of those cultures including in non industrialized societies/tribal systems marry in nuclear family arrangements as in M/F monogamy.

The resin the phenomenon is universal among humans is because if they do things the way we are doing them now, in this s society incest is inevitable, and all sorts of birth defects arise by not being able to track or know whose baby is whose.

In a world that doesn't have corporations making this possible the birth defects are usually dealt with by the woman having to kill her new born child with her own bare hands.

So there is a reality of what's going on, and an idealized view of what's going on.

I'm not just griping about women behaving like the men that woman have typically demonized, I'm pointing out that its unsustainable and is leading women, at least a segment of them into a life of loneliness.

What they call, enforced monogomy in the social sciences has nothing to do with forcing women under male subjection. It is the widespread phenomenon where culture and custom reinforces and promotes an environment where marriages are supported by the culture and random promiscuity is not, due to what it will absolutely do to the gene pool.

The reason why all cultures don't his is as I pointed out they already learned that organization is preferable to chaos, and in the end 99.99% of the people are happier that way, and mor fulfilled.

What's happening in our society is a reflection of our society and culture, not one of the universal human condition.
2 years ago

Jan White wrote:I'm not saying any of you guys consciously think this, think that it's true, or mean to say it in anything you've written, but what's coming across to me is that there's a sense that you're entitled to a woman, that you have a right to a mate. You've put in the effort of looking and wooing, you've jumped through whatever hoops you think you need to and now you're entitled to your prize. Maybe it's just how it's coming across to me and there's no truth in my perception, but it might be something to keep in mind and monitor in yourselves. It can't hurt.

The idea that women are getting arrogant or searching for men that are out their leagues is interesting to me. I'm 40. The majority of women I know older than me "settled" in some way for the man they have. Often it was because of a pregnancy that made them feel like they needed the security of a mate, even if it wasn't the one they would have chosen. Often it was because they live in a small town and just didn't have many choices. In the past, these women gave up higher education, career advancement, entrepreneurialism to fit their lives to their husband's plans and the not necessarily expected existence of children. Now, they cook food they're bored of cause it's what their husbands like, they limit their social activities to ones their husbands like, etc. I know men do these sorts of things for their wives as well. I'm not trying to make any comparisons there.

What I am trying to say is that now that women are not so dependent on men, as they traditionally have been in many ways, they're more free to pick the men they actually want. You think women are getting pickier or arrogant. It may be that you're just used to women settling for less than they actually need for a fulfilling relationship.

Generally, women have much closer emotional bonds with friends than men do. They don't necessarily need or want a spouse for that emotional support, they don't need the financial support, and they like having sex. That might be part of what you're seeing with hookups increasing.

Something that may be helpful to you personally is to develop your male friendships. Men typically rely on women in their lives to fulfill their emotional needs, which isn't the healthiest. Having those emotionally open relationships with other men isn't something our society teaches men to do, but I think, if you're feeling lonely, frustrated, rejected, whatever, in dating, you need to deal with that and find emotional connection with another human. And I don't mean you should just talk about how shitty women are and end up forming your own incel group 😋

Jordan and Steve, you've shared your ages. I'm sympathetic, cause you are in a bit of a tough age range. Maybe you just need to wait a few years for all the angry, newly divorced women to blow off some steam and start looking for someone who isn't like their first husband.😁

I'm not sure what you mean about my age, a d how that applied to what I said. I have no problem meeting women and going out on dates. My commentary has nothing g to do with that.

Yes s we know that with birth control and tinder type apps women are going through changes, and not all of them are benificial to them or society because of what it does to their ability to bond. Even if  they decide to stop doing by that becausr they decide that they actually donwant a guy to pair bond with they will not be table to because of the very real biochemical bonding processes activates by "just sex" is affecting  their ability to form lasting bonds.

I've always preferred independent women as I alluded to in my post.

We were discussing more what that is doing to them and society that they are mostly forming many bonds with guys they have only judged by a superficial dating profile, and doing it quite often.

That anyone said we entitled to a woman is pure projection likely based on the fact that your finding the statistics and data available upsetting.

I'm not entitled to a woman, but I have no problem meeting them.

If I wanted to do what many of the women are doing in those venues, recreational dating and meaningless sex, I'd  have no problem with being able to do that. As i said when i put down im looking for hookups i get way more matches.

The facts are the roles have largely reversed and now women are the asshole guys who only want guys for superficial reasons purely for sex.

We were discussing what that does on a biochemical and social level, and how its 100% dependent on corporations .if your going to try to put me in a frame work because your defending an ideal, I'd appreciate you put your references to me in quotes.

I actully agree that to a degree that what you are idealizing about modern dating is good. I've never wanted a convention relationship, and have always found independent women more attractive.

But corporations are creating something that disregards our physiology and the fact that sex initiates an irreversible biochemical bonding process.

I mentioned that I've seen trends rise and fall in women's profiles on the apps, and the newest one is that they are looking for there forever person, last first kiss, someone to grow old with, etc etc.

But that generation of women have screwed themselves out of the ability to contribute to that by programming their brains via hookups and NSA sex.

You say they form deeper bonds with their friends etc, well they are forming many bonds with strangers via sex that will absolutely ruin the chances of what they seem to really want which is to form a meaningful bond with a man they really like.

It has happened to men as well, but now it is mostly happening to women, and to way more of them than ever happened to men.

I delete the apps, and go back on them and I see a lot of the exact same women on them that have been there the entire time.

You should see how they change what they are seeking.

That, as I explained is why I said it is a state of chaos trying to find order.

What I said about my experience is that although I get plenty of matches and chat with plenty of them, Ii no longer think its worth the gas money to go meet up with most of them, due to what the "gift" the big corporations have given them has done to them.
2 years ago

Stacy Witscher wrote:The current research is that men shouldn't be procreating much longer than women should. Major genetic defects can and do occur. 20's and 30's are prime procreation ages for both sexes.

I love that people realize that they don't "need" to be in a relationship, and it's all about wants. Staying in a relationship because you "need" to is extremely toxic.

I'm sure a mans fertility depends on his own personal health and vitality.

If that research was done on men in general as opposed to excessively healthy or in healthy, or any specific demographic than I would expect results like that in our society and culture.

I've actually viewed my little guys  through a microscope and I have no doubts about their vitality.

In fact every time I've viewed my sperm through a microscope it has been a profoundly empowering experience. There is a surprisingly high degree of diversity in observable characteristics that I could see. Some of them are  like ferocious animals the way they do their thing swimming around. I have to wonder if the characteristics of any random spermatozoa is any indication of the type of person that would emerge from .the contribution of that particular haploid cell?

At any rate the average american is unhealthy through and through to begin with, but at their natural healthiest during those years (20s-30s) simoly because of their youthfulness. It is the only thing propping them up, so naturally their fertility would decline at 40.
2 years ago
I would be careful about watching those Youtubes. Try to keep in mind that what they are really presenting are characteristics of the culture rather than objective characteristics of women, if that makes sense. Otherwise you could be in danger of adopting a mysogenistic view, when really they are expressing the current state they f our culture. We are all bio-cultural organisms as humans and we are all expressions of the culture, so just be careful which aspect of the culture you are expressing.

I don't get the impression you are a mysogenist, but due to the phenomenon were discussing here, many people are adopting that view.

When I compared that phenomenon to chaos seeking equilibrium I mean what see is that apps likebtinder thatbdint allow men to contact women directly neighbour matching has given women a tool that enhances their ability to select a mate. I'm not saying its actually beneficial or anything but women are generally more selective than men, which makes perfect sense, so this tool has given them the ability to be more selective over a wider range, but also allows for anonymity. So at first there was a lot of NSA sexual encounters/hook ups and basic experimentation. It be seen lots of trends in the women's  profiles coming and going, a lot of experimentation, and learning and things changing that will eventually find a balance.

Mennnot being super selective in most cases will just swipe on any one, and sort it out later. So you also have a lot of guys matching with women that in more natural settings they would not match with because those guys would be out of those women's league so to speak.

As a result lots of really good looking guys are willing to drop by a woman's house for anonomous sex that ten years ago would never have happened which resultsbin going to these women's hradsbto where now they won't select guys that are more suitable for a balanced relationship.

By balanced I compare it to electro negativity in chemistry.

For example oxygen has a stronger electro negativity than hydrogen. It really wants to bond to find equilibrium, where ad hydrogen has a much weaker EN. When the two elements bond to form water the electrons tent to locate themselves more around the O atom than they do to the H atoms. So the electro negativity although need to bond is fulfilled it is not distributed equally making the H2O molecule polar which means it can form what are called, hydrogen bonds.

When two atoms have a more equal electro negativity the even distribution of electron orbitals makes it non-polar which means it lacks an electrical charge and will not interact with in a bonding sort of way with other molecules like water will.

So I compare a lot of these interactions between men and women on dating apps that way. Women who aren't super hot are hooking up with guys that are.

It affects the guys by giving them more notches which they keep going after, but it affects those wen by giving by them a false arrogance which makes them too picky to want to match with guys that are more their equals and with whom they could likely have a more fulfilling relationship with.

The problem with the phenomenon of modern dating reaching equilibrium is as you pointed out is the bonding process that you brought up.

Many of these women are going to grow up to be lonely, and unable to form bonds, and many men are growing to despise women, and are growing up without interacting with women, and so they are not developing the behaviors, that are more or less courting and mating behaviors. So there is a fairly large group of people who will not be able to ever pair bond, but the younger generation learning from this flux may end up adopting what you could call a more old fashioned approach when they realize that the older generation has reduced their chances of ever finding happiness via pair bonding.

Its always seemed strange to me that although we know that babies are what result from natural sex,bit doesn't seem to be an inherent understanding, or one that is fully assimilated. Some people, and in my experience a majority of those people are woman in general, and ultra good looking or ultra smooth men have the idea that, "its just sex".

Sex initiates so many chemical reactions surrounding the bonding phenomenon that no one walks away from a mutual orgasim unaffected by those bonding mechanisms. So people hooking up form attractions to those same types of people, those same types of situations, and the same types of mood, attitude and courtship behaviors, sadly even if they don't enjoy it. Its one of the reasons rape and molestations affect the victims in such traumatic ways.

I've come to think there are two possibilities of why people have not seemed to really assimilated this. One is that if we evolved to know where babies come from we might not want to procreate so freely so the ignorance of what we are doing when we are essentially mating has a evolutionary advantage in keeping the species going.

The other is that for hundreds of thousands of years early humans had no clue that babies came from sex. That I think is baby most early humans were matriarchal, and revered wen as goddesses who embodied the generative force of nature. So in that scenario what we have is an understanding that has not yet really caught up to the cultural ways customs and behaviorsbthat we've developed. The mating that went on for hunts D's of thousands of years was likely just people without any understanding of the urges by hey wants relief from just going at it, and I believe are what is responsible for toxic pair bonding where people end up in toxic relationships thhey can't get out of due to bonding with others who had a toxic compatibility inbtherlir genes that is based on eons of really F*#%ed up brutal sexual relationships with mating partners who were ignorant and had no reservations about sexual relief.

If that's the case I think the discovery of the mans role in procreation is what led to patriarchal structures that we as a species have lived in for the last mere 20,000 years or so.

At any rate, I agree that the ability to bond is what is at stake here. There are even statistics that show that a person whose had More than a dozen or so different partners is not likely to ever be able to form a lasting relationship with anyone ever, even if they want to because they've programmed themselves by way of biochemical reactions that are actually designed to keep people together for the sake of procreation and caring for the child.

When a woman has a baby, especially a vaginal birth, and when she breast feeds these same biochemical reactions occur and are responsible for her bonding with, and her general attachment to that child for the rest of her life, and the act of the baby nursing while looking her in the eyes is the process by which a child bonds with their mother.

So yea, the bonding process is VERY real, and people are definitely damaging that in themselves with hookups and recreational dating.

BTW. You're not too old to have a child. The truth is a grown man is far more qualified to be a dad than someone who is still in his twenties still trying to figure himself and everything else out. As men there is a reason we remain fertile so late in life.

You've got another 40 years or more in you where as anyone regardless of how young they are can die any day..nice raised kids already and they turned out great, but I feel that now, at the age of 47/ could do a way better job, and really help to send a human off into the world with a really good start simply based on the experience and mind that I've gathered and developed since my first child was born.
2 years ago
Dating today is evolving so fast, its hard to look at it like a defined object in order to say what is wrong with it.

It appears to me like for a couple or few years now it is in a state of chaos (no negative connotation implied) trying to reach equilibrium.

Online dating has definitely changed things for everyone, but also from my own personal experience, getting older and going through my own changes simultaneously, well, everything is just so different now.

The city-country divide that was mentioned in some posts has blurred with the internet, because with the internet available in the country the city influence has a much farther reach than before. In many cultural ways the country is becoming less isolated and citified.

I live very in a very remote small town surrounded by miles and miles of national forest in every direction. There is Jo traffic lights here, and there is no traffic light for 1.5 hours of driving in any direction.

I've not been able to connect with any of the people in this town, all the good ones are taken, and the rest are all so ignorant despite any natural intelligence, and incestuous,  so I use online dating apps.

Most of the people that come up as potential matches to choose from live at least 50 miles away as the crow flies, and I'd have to drive at least an hour and a half to meet, and the places they live are cities, or very large towns where the culture and mentality are very much city like compared to here. For me that doesn't help, because with so much access that online day ng affords with so much distance my profile gets dismissed by many potentials based just on that.

My personal experience with online dating has changed so much since the first time I tried it, and so have women.

Somewhat recently I put down 'hook ups', as an option of what I was looking for. The animal in me was open to the idea. I got all kinds of notifications that 'someone liked me, or notifications that I had a potential match. I realized what I think alot of women are realizing too over the course of all the change that is happening, that hooking up is not my cup of tea even if it seems like an okay thing in concept.

A couple of months ago a woman who was obviously just passing through here was checking me out hard at the gas station. When I was at the pump she rolled her window down and mouthed some words I didn't under stand so I was gesturing that I could jot hear or understand. She repeated a few times before in realized she was saying "do you want to hook up?", but then shed rolled up her window and took off. I could not believe it. Is this becoming normal?

If i put down in looking for love, or a LTR I get way less responses, but  I'm  actually surprised at some of the women who respond.

In my personal experience of this whole thing i think that my superficial appearance that they may be basing stereotypes on makes me seem more appealing for a one night stand or I also get hit up for threesomes with married type couples, but maybe not so desirable for an loving, monogamous LTR which is what I am seeking. I don't think I appear to others as I am.

I think women are getting used to certain types, and with so many potential matches they all have at their finger tips they categorize men into boxes in order to organize the whole process and narrow down their choices.

I don't fit in a box. I've got so many things about me that make me a very rare personality type, and am neurodivergent. With the hundreds of guys hitting up women daily on these apps many of them seem jaded, and unwilling to put any initial effort into it, and so it is the smooth talker who is just out to please himself that is getting all the attention from woman and who they are ending up putting in effort to get to know.

Women are getting more picky as someone already mentioned, but also with literally 1000s of men at their finger tips, they are also getting lazy, and curious about what else is out there. Many of them are becoming coming the personification of all that they used to complain about guys my whole life. I am 47. They are becoming as bad if not worse than the iconic "A**hole", typical male I heard about so much my whole life, but who I personally could never identify with.

To be clear, I do not mean that all women are this way. That is why I am saying, " many women".

So I rarely hit it off with any of my matches well enough to want to spend $40-$60 on gas to drive from 1.5-2.5 hours to go on a date, but I some times do.

Its depressing. Sometimes I will be chatting with a few women at once and get so diluted that I suddenly lose interest in the whole thing and all of them, and delete all my accounts for a few months and resign to loneliness.

A good match for me is a very rare wan indeed, and I've not run into her online yet.

Throughout my life I was always thought of as very attractive. I had gotten used to women approaching me and expressing interest and making an effort, and so the contrast of the combo of growing older, and what online dating has done, along with what I am actually looking for is difficult to adapt to, especially because the dating world is in so much constant flux.

This evolution that is happening though...I think about in a more natural setting, where we did not have giant pharmaceutical companies birth control so accessible, this cultural change would not, and could not be supported.

The pickyness would not be accessible because if people behaved this way without corporate BC there would be a lot of babies getting in the way of that cultural movement, and the pickyness would switch to an entirely different kind of man than the one who is going out on all the dates with these women.

I still wouldn't be that guy. I really font fit snugglybin any box.

I personally would like to have a baby with someone. I'm not dead set on it, but I know that I would. I'd be willing not to, but still would like an LTR. The age ranges I am open to is a much wider scope than what I generally look for. In general I think in terms of finding someone within my age group to 10 year's in either direction, but on the apps I extend it further in both directions because there is always the possibility of that one exception.

I have found that women from their late 20s to beyond have, and don't want children, or don't have and don't want children.

I'm a single parent, I homeschooled so recreational dating, or having a relationship with someone who wants to travel and go parachuting or bungee jumping all the time...not going to work. Not what I want.

My mind has always been in the 21st century, never conventional. I don't mean to say Imnyoung at heart or have a young mind; I have mature and sophisticated mind but my social views have always been more relatable to what the younger generations are coming to.

I was raised by a single woman and never saw myself as wanting to, and never saw the need to find a woman to get under my subjection as the man of the house. I've always wanted an equal relationship, but I am also a homebody, family oriented and would like a relationship that is centered around that.

I'm actually in the middle of talking to a few women on different apps as I type this. I'm actually putting in effort but just know that it will amount to nothing and go nowhere at all.

Its sad. Modern dating has made me feel isolated and lonely, but seems to promise so much access to finding true love.
2 years ago

Steve Johnston wrote:Hi Permies

I'm looking for a unique situation.

Looking for a place suitable for a small Permaculture farm with two separate structures that are suitable for housing. Rustic is perfectly fine. I'm open-minded to what they may be like: Small cabin, shack, tiny home, barn what ever it may be.

Housing is for father son, and the other for single person.

We would be using all alternative, and permaculture methods on the farm.

Need space for green house, and mushroom shed, as well as land for crops.

We would like a partial crop share arrangement where in we pay a small monthly rent, along with a percentage of any profits made from produce, and products. There are a few things besides produce that the farm produces that can be sold.

Open to different situations that match that general idea.

If that sounds interesting contact me.

To be clear, I am not looking for a place to grow cannabis.

Ideally looking for western slope of coastal range.

I'm currently in Northern California in Siskiyou county.

I am just adding some info about the plan here. Copied  and pasted from an email to ad some detail about what I have planned:

What I have in mind is a small permaculture farm that functions according to the principles of natural farming. As you may or may not know, natural farming is a system of agriculture that follows specific guidelines, namely to emulate nature, mimic nature, and exclude things that aren't the way of nature. Not all organic farming is permaculture and not all permaculture is specificly natural farming. That is not to say that those things are unnatural, but they don't necessarily follow the general way of nature. Example being that tilling crop sites can be a method utilized by organic farmers, and permaculturist, but natural farming is a no-till method because the way of nature is also a no-till method.

There are natural farming methods of animal husbandry that differ from conventional methods mainly in that there is an emphasis on respecting their rights, but also what and how they are fed, and in how, in this case, the chicken coup is built.

Making profits selling produce on a small farm is definitely possible, but the best way to profit off a small farm is by making and selling products.

Permaculture as you probably know is a cyclic system that looks at the utility of the wastes and byproduct, and makes use of them as the necessary fuels, feed, and fertilizers required to run a farm.

So with all that said what I envision is a farm and buisness based on the concept of the permaculture system that sells produce, products, and even by products.

So I forsee a small, but significant amount of crops for use as produce, and about an equal amount of crops intended for animal feed.

A chicken house built according to  Korean Natural Farming specs: 2 ft  bedding/deep litter system. The bedding is made by laying saturated rotting logs and saplings burried in saw dust, wood chips and straw. The bedding is inoculated with a ln array of microbes collected in a near by forest and cultured on bulk substrates for use in various ways on the farm.

The bedding becomes a living biological community, actively decomposing similarly to a forest floor. Manure is left in the chicken house to feed the bedding which rapidly decomposes in a clean and healthy way that feeds it's nutrients into the bedding where they become food for the chicken in various ways. The bedding becomes a habitat for certain arthopods like fungus gnats which lay their eggs which become larvae fe ding on the mycelium in the bedding. Chickens scratch and discover bugs and larvae as well as mycelium  to eat

Chickens are raised on a natural diet made from good nutrient rich sources of things that are more natural to them than what they are conventionally fed.

The same microbes used in the chicken house are used to inoculate the crop sites with forest microbes. There are other Korean Natural Farming inputs used  in rasing the chickens, and on the crops. Some are biological inputs , bacterias in a solution containing metabolites and enzymes produced by those bacteria, and some are biological inputs made with plants (generally) l that contain phytochemicals, growth hormones and other plant growth promoting compounds as well as microbial metabolites and enzymes.

Just about everything used to grow the crops are either remade from things readily available on the farm or wild crafted from natural settings in the vicinity of the farm.

The chicken food is produced in a way that yeilds valuable byproducts that can be used as products, and can be sold as a product itself, and in fact the specialized chicken food that has nothing comparable on the market that I'm aware of will likely be the most valuable product produced by the farm.

In the process of producing the finest eggs imaginable there are three products produced, plus produce and mushrooms. Some of this is for farmers market, some for stores, online and various contracts.

I am not a typical farmer by any definition, nor a typical buisness entrepreneur or anything like that, and I don't have a ton of money. I someone who has a broad spectrum of experience in horticulture and agriculture to various degrees and who has a vision. Ive successfully used all the methods I will be employing. I'm not someone who has been farming for years, but I'm not someone with no experience who has no idea what they are getting into either

That's what I have in mind. What I'm looking for is a space to do this with water, and two separate structures that can be used as living spaces.

3 years ago

Ben Zumeta wrote:If you are open to Del Norte Co (north of humboldt on CA coast), or even sw OR, I might be able to help with connections. We have similar weather patterns up here, but more and better water sources and even more land is public (unbeatable zones 4-5!). However this does make good farmland hard to find, and good help even harder. Either way, best of luck!

Hi, thanks for responding.

I am currently in Siskiyou county not too far from Del Norte. I'm probably between 35-50 miles due east from Crescent city.

Very nice area there, and more or less the same climate and bioregion as they places I am looking, but there are more specific reasons I'm looking in Mendo, and Humboldt counties. Partly due to familiarity, and to have access to certain things, but also I'd like to be closer to family I have, and for my son to be closer to his siblings.

I do appreciate your response though, thank you!
3 years ago