Kat Peters-Midland

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since Jan 26, 2022
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I am a lifelong urban organic gardener.  I am looking for an acreage to continue to garden, practice more of permaculture with my animals and land (where I live there is a lot of regulation so I can't practice a bunch of it here).
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Recent posts by Kat Peters-Midland

being in nature - walking in the woods, gardening, planting seeds/preparing for our growing season.  Being with my dogs - and hanging with my quail (I need a chair in their aviary still).
9 months ago
Joseph, do you still have sunroots for sale?
1 year ago
I am a guppy keeper - male and female - in a 39 gallon aquarium.  All I do is siphon out water to clean it  alittle and pour in my garden.  Then I replace the water.   I like the idea of the tray and make the aquaponics system.  
1 year ago
I am interested in seeds if still available

Valan Anthos wrote:Oh I'm definitely curious about the vegan jerky! I would love to learn more preservation techniques for high calorie vegetarian foods.

VERY interested in vegan jerky and preservation techniques for vegetarian foods!!
2 years ago
Another thing to do is to be on an urban homestead tour...and I realize not every community has this...but we have one every summer (except for the last two years cuz of covid).

Some homesteads use permaculture and some don't - it is very helpful for people to see how to set things up and see permaculture in action so to speak.  My hope is to be on the tour next summer if we are here (we are looking for an acreage now).

For me, it has helped me to meet and network with fellow gardeners/permaculture gardeners and farmers.  It is where I first learned about biochar
2 years ago
this is fun! my answer keeps on changing...but this is my answer today...

10-20 acres. located somewhere near a city where there is a Masters swim team so that I may continue to work out , near an airport (about 1 hour drive from one, for husband's job requirements)
an acre of garden to start out with and plans to expand over the years , with a greenhouse or two
an acre or two of orchard (apples, cherries, peaches, cherries)
an acre of food forest (elderberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
not sure how many acres for chickens and goats: chickens with coop or chicken tractor for eggs and goats in rotation in pasture, for milk (cheese etc)
5-10 acres of wooded land for firewood, hiking and growing mushrooms
a pond or stream/small river for water

I would love to have an off-grid cabin with solar, wind power etc, but not sure that will be possible since my husband works from home and needs plenty of electricity and reliable internet etc.  

2 years ago
Jack...I have a worm bin...sorry for my stupid question...do you place the potatoes on top of everything in the bin?
I have been chitting my potatoes for years (didn't know there was a name for it lol).  Last year I chitted my potatoes, and I think I cut my seed potatoes into too small of pieces.  I didn't get a good crop like I had before.  Sorry can't remember who responded and said leave at least three sprouts per piece...I will try that this year.