this is fun! my answer keeps on changing...but this is my answer today...
10-20 acres. located somewhere near a city where there is a Masters swim team so that I may continue to work out , near an airport (about 1 hour drive from one, for husband's job requirements)
an acre of garden to start out with and plans to expand over the years , with a greenhouse or two
an acre or two of orchard (apples, cherries, peaches, cherries)
an acre of food forest (elderberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
not sure how many acres for chickens and goats: chickens with coop or chicken tractor for eggs and goats in rotation in pasture, for milk (cheese etc)
5-10 acres of wooded land for firewood, hiking and growing mushrooms
a pond or stream/small river for water
I would love to have an off-grid cabin with solar, wind power etc, but not sure that will be possible since my husband works from home and needs plenty of electricity and reliable internet etc.