There were a whole parade of deer when we moved in. The sole presence of a dog reduced this problem by… I’d say at least 75% then a couple of kittens showed up and well, we kept them. My lawn is a baby rodent graveyard but I never need to worry about anyone I don’t want eating in my garden. We built a very simple fence with t-bars and deer fence netting. This keeps the chickens —since they free range most of the time — and whatever deer would still dare to come to the heart of the property, out. Initially I thought I’d replace it over time with deer resistant species but now I know I actually like having a fence and it simplifies animal management so, when we can, we’ll just replace the deer netting with a pretty fence.
Last year was my first in the garden… we built 6 4 by 8 beds in the center of the garden and I focused on that. Considering it was my first year I think I was successful… I think it’s important to be able to harvest food asap, for motivation, to remind you why you’re doing all the work… this year we built beds around the first beds that I’m using for more permaculture-like things — berries, herbs… and I am building my first ground level bed— cardboard on top of the soil and 6 inches of manure compost on top. I’m gonna use that for 3 sisters, which seem to need something I couldn’t provide in the raised beds. I did have a couple of thorough consultations with “eminent” permaculture consultants initially, but eventually I realized a general idea of what I wanted to do and lots of time out there, observing, is what I really need to keep going. Oh, and just knowing I make mistakes galore. Good luck!