Kimberly Shook

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since May 15, 2022
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Recent posts by Kimberly Shook

Hi all....I am looking for a few unique greenhouse set up ideas so that it is self watering.  It will be a large greenhouse  and I have a decent budget to build it.  Can yall send me some ideas and thoughts.  thank you! geo thermal ?
2 years ago
Hi there....someone I know has just found out the manure he has been using for the last 2 seasons was from a farm that uses the horses for animal testing of pharmaceuticals for the government. (Don't even get me started on that)
I know for now he is starting a new  planting area with hugul beds that he was planning to do anyway, but what can be done or planted in that contaminated area to regenerate it?
2 years ago
this is a new topic for us so any advice would be great.  looks like my dog picked these up and now a few of us are exhibiting symptoms as well.  I have been trying many different remedies over the past few weeks and just came across one on Earth Clinic that has many reviews of working on dogs, borax and hydrogen peroxide deal. I'm going to try it for us as well.  Would love some upbeat positive stories of being on the other side of this.
2 years ago