yeah you could have different maps and animals have a starting money maybe even a creative mode you could use animals to help with the process goats to knock back foliage the pigs to rough up the ground up rooting a lot of the existing plant life chickens to clean the soil of the left over sprouts coming up from the seeds left behind then do the cover cropping chop drop and then being able to plan the map out to add ponds and natural barriers like tightly sown bamboo or thorns to keep wildlife out and make your own little dream garden or whatever with different types of plants and climates maybe even a custom map mode and then the game could be used to make a model of your property lets say and you can make a cool 3d model of what the land could look like
idk if a gofund me would be good but i think itd make a cool game and it could be a fun way to teach people about permaculture