Trent Bellwood

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since Jun 09, 2022
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Recent posts by Trent Bellwood

Here in the Pnw we have Coryllus Cornuta which grows multiple trunks naturally. I suspect that a yearly trimming of most of the smallest base stems would improve the nut yield on older branches due to fewer "suckers," but then you could also periodically cut the largest trunk from the base for an additional wood yield.
In this way you coppice the whole stand more or less every year but only partially from each plant. Consistent nut and wood production.
10 months ago
This next Season I'll be guerilla planting Sunchoke, Red Runner bean, and Chayote squash in the Willamette Valley of Oregon.
If anyone has experience with this combination let me know.  
1 year ago
If you're in australia, consider growing your loval varieties of goarse and other native bush species. Blackberries will give way to succession species, especially woody shrubs.
2 years ago