Nicole-Raye Ellis

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since Jun 11, 2022
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Recent posts by Nicole-Raye Ellis

Hi Bill, my name is Nicole and I've been learning all I can about starting intentional communities because this too is my vision!  I'm born and raised in Southern Maine.  My partner Kyle and I have been together for 12 years and have an 8 year old daughter.  I homeschool her and teach at our homeschool co-op.  I'm learning all I can about foodscapes and permaculture design.  I'm also in the process of developing a wild food walk to invite anyone wanting to learn to help spread the knowledge of all the wild foods available for forage right in our back yards.  I have so many ideas.  I just need to find my tribe to share and collaborate with!  Where are you planning on starting this community?  I look forward to connecting with you and your wife!
2 years ago