Rita Marquez

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since Jun 25, 2022
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Recent posts by Rita Marquez

Anyone had any success grafting anything on to a asian pear stock?

My asian pear tree never gave any fruit and its over 6yo, I am ready to give up, unless I can graft something into the stock. Any suggestions of what it can work?
2 years ago

Nicole Alderman wrote:Hmmm, biggest change recently has been finding a bread recipe that was easy to make and I could eat. Since we're grain/sugar/etc free due to auto-immune stuff, it's been hard finding a good. easu source of breakfast calories...so everyone in the family was eating 2 lara bars every morning. So. Many. Wrappers. It's a disgrace. But, it's one of the few "convenience foods" we can eat with our health issues.

Well, I found a chestnut/almond flour recipe that actually tastes good and is pretty quick to mix up (if you discount the time washing duck eggs). It actually toasts up like bread! So, I make a double batch of it, and I have breakfast for me and snacks for the family for almost a week. It's cut our lara bar consumption in half.

Aside from that, the other biggest things have been:

  • ordering food in bulk from nuts.com. One giant bag of raisins uses a lot less plastic than a bunch of smaller ones.  
  • composting things--of course. We've been doing this so long that I don't really think about it any more
  • Using towels/rags/napkins instead of paper versions for most everything other than soaking up grease....and the grease soaked paper towels go in the woodstove as fire starters
  • getting poultry feed in paper sacks. We've always done this, but I can only imagine just how many plastic sacks we'd have accrued by now. The paper ones our Scratch and Peck feed comes in are wonderful for sheetmulching new gardens
  • Bringing our own grocery bags and asking for paper--or going without a bag--when we forget our bags
  • Making our own yogurt helped a ton. Yogurt containers take up a lot of trash space! But, I haven't had the time to make any in a while.
  • eating from our property. This saves us from needing packaged foods. But, it requires more work, and this year has been nuts and time has been lacking. And I just have to give myself some grace. Hopefully next year will be better!

  • Delicious bread:

    1 1/2 cup almond flour
    4 tbsp butter
    3 eggs - if they are small add one more
    1 teaspoon of coconut flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    Monkeyfruit or Splenda (10 tbsp for sweet version, add more to taste, each person os different)
    4oz cream cheese

    Mix well, use silicone bread pan to bake, 360 degrees, for 25-30min

    This is basic recipe, you can flavor it with artificial flavorins, or spices such as cinnamon or anise seed (my favorite), dried fruits, chopped nuts, lemon or orange zest (also lovely), coconut flakes

    I once added pumpkin spice, an extra measure of cococonut flour and a little bit of mashed pumpkin.
    If you bake, you will have your own ideas and try new things.

    If you look for Keto bread recipes online, you will find some other recipes, but this is the one we like.
    Store in the fridge as the fat on it will become rancid after a few days. I slice it and freeze mine.

    Another simple one I made quick:

    1 tbsp of coconut flour
    1 egg
    A pinch of baking powder
    1 tbsp butter
    monkey fruit or splend
    Any flavoring like the recipe above or plain

    Put inside a coffee mug, cook in the microwave on high for 2 minutes, it depends on your microwave. You can slice it and toast in the toaster, eat plain or with sugar free jelly or butter

    The savory version, I add salt, garlic powder and dried herbs such as thyme, oregano, sage. Also once made adding caraway seeds. Its delicious, you can also slice and toast in the pan or toaster, I use the pan to be sure it has the right toasting level.

    2 years ago

    C Lundquist wrote:

    Rita Marquez wrote:
    Perilla? Is this the one that tastes like sesame seeds? Is it sesame plant? I don’t think I can find the seeds of it in the US.

    Not the same thing. If you want to grow sesame, however, you can sow the seeds from the grocery store, just get raw, non-roasted ones. Sesame is annual.

    Where do you get your perilla seeds? I thought perilla was the same thing as sesame because of the flavor. I bought a package at an Asian market and that was how it tasted to me.
    2 years ago

    Joe Grand wrote:Tell me if any of these are perennials:
    Good old Henry-yes
    Vineland Hardy Prickly Pears-yes
    Purple Shiso /Perilla?
    Red Fire Orach?
    Ruby Red Swiss Chard?
    I am planting in zone 8a, I have seeds, thanks.

    Perilla? Is this the one that tastes like sesame seeds? Is it sesame plant? I don’t think I can find the seeds of it in the US.
    2 years ago
    I use reptile mat and bought water used bed heater mats (2 for $10) . It works great
    2 years ago
    Fantastic carrots! I always wondered about their flavor. My kids like the orange ones so I am afraid they will not like it aw much if its too different
    2 years ago
    Does this solution go bad? I left mine alone and now it looks green. Is that a problem to dilute and water my soil!
    2 years ago