Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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D Man

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since Jun 29, 2022
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John Duffy wrote:Has anyone tried contacting your local utility companies to see when they'll be trimming power lines/cable TV lines/phone lines in your area and, what companies do the work for them? I think in my neck of the woods, it's about every 4 years. So, knowing that ahead of time, you might be able to snag some chips.

I'm part of an REMC co-op and they will deliver them to me for free. I used to get a lot from them but then the guy in charge retired. They never replaced him so it's random that I can get any from them now. Lucky I have a neighbor with a tree service, if I bug him he'll dump a couple loads for free.
1 year ago
Yes, it does have a concrete floor. It's a repurposed storage building. My property used to be a working farm. I bought the farmhouse and buildings, the developer sold the land around me. Not sure what it was originally used for but 3 sides are block which makes for great heat retention in the winter. This winter was a test and other than one hard cold spell (close to 5F) it's stayed pretty warm. Onions, garlic and some herbs have survived so far.
1 year ago
I just retired and am looking forward to extending our growing season this year with my greenhouse that I built last year. Looking to learn and try new things. Been gardening for many years but learn something new all the time online at sites like this one. Best of all is learning how good fresh produce tastes!
1 year ago