The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
I'm only 64! That's not to old to learn to be a permie, right?
L. Johnson wrote:My plan -
Plant seeds (especially ones I have saved)
Try to get a yield.
Eat them.
Save more seeds.
Also get more perennials established.
If I can be greedy I'm hoping to have more yields than this past year or two.
Forever creating a permaculture paradise!
"I think that I shall never see A poem as lovely as a tree." Joyce Kilmer
My book arts:
Nicole Alderman wrote:Here's my garden goals/dreams/hopes/whatevers for 2023!
(1) More potatoes! They were the one thing that grew easily and reliably in a crazy weather/life year. I plan on growing more
**also a goal for my family as well. Root crops are super important, but potatoes/ starch types are high on the list.
(3) Figure out how to revive old garden beds that aren't producing without tilling the soil or using chemical fertilizers--anyone have any ideas?
** I only till brand new beds, and after that I basically use a lasagna method or in your case I would maybe add some seasoned wood chips, chicken manure, or a blend of other animal manure(if it's a hay eating animal, make sure the hay or fields haven't been treated with any amino type herbicides such as Grazon, as it will cause your garden to fail). Grass clippings are great to add, or you can add all those things toa bucket of water and make a compost tea, then after some broad forking which you could use a pitch fork in a pinch, pour a good compost tea on it, let it sit for a week, then plant into it.
(5) Mulch my blueberries with poultry bedding so they hopefully produce a bit more this year!
** If you have pine needles, blueberries LOVE pine needles. High acidity.
(6) Grow the food my kids pick out!
**live this idea. Our kids even have their own garden rows.
Happy New Year!
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