Mike Barkley

gardener & hugelmaster
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since Mar 01, 2018
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After a long career electro-geeking for R&D labs in the electronic industry Mike has checked out of the rat race & moved to the woods. Not entirely off grid but trying to achieve that goal. He raises a few animals & enjoys growing healthy food in various gardens. He is a life long nature lover, adventure seeker, & to a certain extent a minimalist. Eventually bears will probably eat him & turn him into compost. He is ok with that.
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It works well for the electrolysis technique of removing rust from metals.
4 days ago
Yes, the scabbard is important.

Once I was on a long hike along the Cumberland Gap trail with the smaller machete & the scabbard broke so it fell off my belt. Didn't realize it until I needed it later. Backtracked several miles until I found it laying on the trail. Leave no trace, leave no machete:)
1 week ago
Better late than never. Found this picture hiding on my hard drive today & realized I never replied to this thread as intended when the picture was taken.

There are various sizes & styles of machetes available. They range from very expensive custom pieces to affordably priced. The important thing is that they fit your hand, have a good grip, & have a sturdy lanyard.

The larger one shown here I got for $15 on sale about 10 years ago. It has a basic blade shape & is made of good but not especially great steel. It has seen a lot of heavy duty cutting action. Everything from huge cactii being cleared when I built trails for the greenbelt alliance to removing large trees that fell across roads during hurricanes. No special sharpening techniques are needed. I use a file or a grinding wheel. It lives in my trunk because you never know when a road will be blocked.

The smaller one was more expensive & uses a much higher quality steel. They don't make this particular model any more but I think they do have some similar ones. It has a multifunction blade. The serrated edge can do some serious damage fast. The handle is more aggressive & includes a glass breaker. The tip is pointy & the cutting edge is extremely sharp. This one doesn't get used much & is much harder to sharpen. I use a whetstone for that. This is my zombie & backwoods hiking machete & lives in my backpack.

The "trick" to efficient machete use is not to swing it but to flick it. It's all in the wrist. It's all about precise control. Start swinging one of these bad boys around & someone is likely to be hurt. Bad. It will probably be the person swinging it. Always use the lanyard.
1 week ago
Reminds me of an old saying ... the best time to plant an oak tree was 25 years ago. The second best time is today.

Go for it!!!
1 week ago
That's a very cool tool but it doesn't seem to fit any of the tool care BBs. I suggest submitting it as an oddball BB.

Do us a favor & next time include a link to the specific BB being referred to. Thanks!
Melissa is this what you're looking for?  https://permies.com/wiki/161174/skills-inherit-property/List-SKIPpers-PEPpers

I think there is another list for people who have completed PEP 2 or 3.
2 weeks ago
After reviewing the requirements I think it qualifies under the "or the like" clause. Show some good pix & a description & I think it will be approved. We do have an expert metal worker on staff so I suggest making it a good write up!!!
In the words of Monty Python ... and now for something completely different. I was at the concert where this first song was recorded. More of a week long event than a concert. Stevie Ray Vaughn's brother Jimmy was the opening act. About midway through the show the Stones did something completely unexpected with this song. The last one is music to my ears. What's not to like about a Pitts & a P51 playing together? There's good adrenaline right there!!!

2 weeks ago

Get educated about the ecosystem you live in. Chances are, fire plays an important role in maintaining it.

Indeed. Just look at the recent US news. Decided to bump this in hopes it might help someone prevent a disaster on their own property.
2 weeks ago