2023 is going to start off with revamping the back garden again. This fall Duchess discovered she could wiggle through the
cattle panels we have been using to
fence off the garden from the rest of the back
yard. So first order of business' this spring is a new
fence she can't wiggle through. That means either welded wire with a
wood frame or chain link. And since I have added a bouncy sighthound to the family the new fence needs to be 6ft tall.
Those cattle panels will be repurposed, the full length panel will become an arch
trellis and the half panel will become an upright trellis in front for my rambling winter squash.
The garden beds will also get changed up. This fall and winter showed us that the beds really do need to be more then a square of wood laid on the ground just in case either the terriers or the sighthound gets into the garden area... So new taller metal beds are being put in the back and the wooden beds are being stacked to at least double the depth of the beds. I mean they are less then 2 years old and it would be wasteful to not find a way to use them. I am keeping the current lay out as much as possible. Back garden will be potatoes, onions, bush beans and herbs. Cucumbers and vining summer squash will go on the gate arch with lettuce and cut and come again in front of them.
Front yard We are adding a tall metal bed (32 -33 inches tall) to act as a divider between the area I am rewilding and the public stealth garden. Moving the corn over to the alley side and those big rambling winter squash will be put in near the driveway. Onions and potatoes will move to the back yard and join all the varieties of dry beans I am trialing this year. My tumbling tomatoes will go in that tall bed so they can droop down the front of it leaving my shelf in the back garden for herbs. There will be runner beans in the front yard as I love the look and taste. A couple of beds of kale, chard, and collards will go in. Some dwarf or indet tomatoes that grow well in my grow bags. And of course flowers both for pretty and for jelly.
Of course I am thrilled with the deep boxes we are getting/making as they will be set up something like a hügelkultur bed with my cottonwood logs at the bottom, then a layer of barn/
chicken coop (I have friends thrilled I want to take this off their hands) topped by 5 to 6 inches of soil.