Monica Truong

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since Jul 12, 2022
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I'm afraid permaculture is only my second passion. My massively transformative purpose is to reimagine education. I believe our education system is not serving our children or preparing them for the future. In 2017, I pulled my daughter out of school. In our second year of homeschooling, I helped to co-create a non-profit, Chinook Free Learners, and facilitated the students learning there for two years. It was a space inspired by the Sudbury model and used Agile Learning Center tools. I then founded a learning pod, Calgary Colearning Community (CCC) in September 2020. I failed in my bid for CBE school board trustee in the fall of 2021, but I still hope that I can nudge public education into the future. So, with the help of others, I am applying for a charter school to be called, the Calgary Charter for Self-Directed Education. In the meantime, I am running a space, The Dandelion Community Center in the Calgary Beltline, where learning pods can meet to run their programs. That space also has a co-working space so that busy professionals can homeschool their kids and participate in co-mmunity events/classes, so that 'school' is not isolated from life and learning is not just for kids, but for everyone! The pod that I am running in the space is called the F.H.R.E.E Learning Pod (Full Human Rights Education Experience). My wish is for every child to get the best education possible, in order to prepare them for a future that is uncertain, but full of possibilities!
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Trochu, near Calgary, Canada
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Recent posts by Monica Truong

Paul Wheaton is a great proponent of sowing apple seeds directly into the ground rather than planting saplings, for all the reasons mentioned here and more. They even have a half-assed holiday where they do just that. A bit of fun in the serious pursuit of infecting minds with permaculture!

1 year ago
The folks at Wheaton Labs celebrate Apple Seed Day in their permaculture way!

1 year ago
Fermented ice-cream!  I've been interested in making ferments for some years but my children don't really like fermented foods, so I kind of let it drop. But recently, my interest is piqued again as I learned that plants have defenses meant to kill you. Of course, we don't find people dead from eating vegetables, but they wreak havoc to our health in a myriad of ways for those who are especially susceptible.  Fermenting reduces the harm and makes food easier to digest in some cases and/or increases the nutrient density of the food. Austin Durant (he teaches live classes on how to make fermented ice-cream!) talks about the various methods of fermentation and food preservation in this vid:

1 year ago
Storing apples to keep as pig feed is a great idea for those of us who have animals. If not, there are a multitude of other ways to preserve foods. Austin Durant goes into 13 different methods at the Permaculture Technology Jamboree at Wheaton labs and it has been caught on camera for posterity. See a turbo tour of his methods:

1 year ago
Did you know that eggs can be pickled?? Austin Durant, master fermenter & food preserver gives us a quick overview of the different methods of fermenting and preserving food to boost nutrient density and enhance nutrient absorption - a sort of turbo tour of food preservation.

1 year ago
I will make some inquiries for you.

Sasha Platte wrote:I made a version for tender ears (Censored) with complete chapters for navigation.

That is awesome! I hope you don't mind if I lift the timestamps and chapters to revamp the uncensored version. These days, YT and audiences expect to be able to navigate to different bits of a video.
1 year ago
Very to sorry to hear you haven't received your DVDs. We'll look into it right away and get back to you asap.
This Cob House presents:

Foundations, Windows, Doors & Permitting

Join Alex Sumerall in his online Cob Workshop Classroom and learn all there is to know about foundations, windows and doors in a cob house build. This is the only online cob workshop experience available. Take an intensive cob workshop without the need to travel, and take vacation time off, which is only a fraction of the cost.  The online course is delivered through a series of video lessons and articles. Full details below!

Learn How to Build A Cob House With Alex's Step-By-Step Video Course!
Learn Cob Building When You Want, At a Fraction of the Price, From the Comfort of Your Own Home

This module consists of everything you need to know about building the foundations, windows and doors in a cob house. Also included is tips on getting your cob house build approved and creating a timetable for your build.

Module:Foundations, Windows & Doors, Codes & Permits
Learn how to install doors and windows in cob walls, trimming cob walls, building window sills, building cob arches, and further explore building codes and permit requirements.

What's Included in this Module?

Watch Alex’s highly applicable step-by-step cob building lessons on:
  • An Introduction to Natural Building
  • Designing Your Cob House
  • Site Preparation
  • How to Square a Site for Building
  • Foundations 1 - Basic Principles
  • Foundations 2 - Rubble Trenches
  • Foundations 3 - Building a Stone Foundations
  • Foundations 4 - Laying out a Round Foundation
  • Windows and Doors
  • Building Cob Arches
  • Trimming Cob Walls

  • Total viewing time: 85 minutes
    Total PDFs: 52 pages

    Bonus content
  • 9 Tips for Building Code Approval
  • Building on a Timetable

  • Total viewing time: 21 minutes
    total PDFs: 2pages

    Meet Your Instructor

    Owner/Founder of This Cob House

    Alex Sumerall is an Earth Masonry Professional who has a focus on creating earthen structures that are healthy, aesthetically pleasing, and functional for modern life. He is the owner of This Cob House LLC, which is dedicated to consulting and teaching people about earth masonry techniques such as cob, rammed earth, and adobe block. Alex has been practicing Earth Masonry since 2011. He graduated from the Aprovecho School of Natural Building in 2013 in Cottage Grove, Oregon, and continues to teach, present, consult, and construct.

    Alex's complete 12 part course (not included here) consists of everything you need to build your cob house:

  • 15 Hours of Video Lessons

  •        Watch Alex’s highly applicable step-by-step cob building lessons. Available for streaming and download

  • Lesson PDF Notes

  •       Get over 100 pages of PDF lessons covering each module with detailed information.

  • Highest Quality Training

  •       Receive the highest quality instruction in cob and earthen construction. Just like you were at a workshop!

  • Private Facebook Group

  •       Get access to Alex’s private Facebook group where workshop students can ask questions and share information.

    1 year ago
    Welcome! It's nice to have a book about financial freedom with a permaculture perspective.
    1 year ago