- Tim's Homestead Journal - Purchase a copy of Building a Better World in Your Backyard - Purchase 6 Decks of Permaculture Cards -
- Purchase 12x Decks of Permaculture Cards - Purchase a copy of the SKIP Book - Purchase 12x copies of Building a Better World in your Backyard
How Permies works: https://permies.com/wiki/34193/permies-works-links-threads
My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
Garden Master Program video course and ebook guide
The best place to pray for a good crop is at the end of a hoe!
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
There is madness to my method.
"Life finds a way"- Ian Malcolm
"We're all mad here" - The Cheshire Cat
“Every human activity is an opportunity to bear fruit and is a continual invitation to exercise the human freedom to create abundance...” ― Andreas Widmer
Www.TransformativeAdventures.org Full-time Permie for 2 decades, author of some groovy books, maker of 🔥 Permie vids, TikToks, etc. Author of Growing FREE. Actually three plants in a trench coat.
I do Celtic, fantasy, folk and shanty singing at Renaissance faires, fantasy festivals, pirate campouts, and other events in OR and WA, USA.
RionaTheSinger on youtube
- we're thrilled to have you as a fangirl! And in your review with this one sentence you summarized what we co-authors always suspected about this book and is what compelled us to write it -Welcome Michael and Laura! Fantastic book. I'm a fangirl now!
This truly is the missing volume in my Permaculture library that I have been desiring for quite a while.
Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.
Working toward a permaculture-strong retirement near sunny Sperling.
- Tim's Homestead Journal - Purchase a copy of Building a Better World in Your Backyard - Purchase 6 Decks of Permaculture Cards -
- Purchase 12x Decks of Permaculture Cards - Purchase a copy of the SKIP Book - Purchase 12x copies of Building a Better World in your Backyard
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
I am a child of the LIVING GOD, the least in HIS kingdom, a follower of the Nazarene, and a steward of this Earth.
I do Celtic, fantasy, folk and shanty singing at Renaissance faires, fantasy festivals, pirate campouts, and other events in OR and WA, USA.
RionaTheSinger on youtube
He was expelled for perverse baking experiments. This tiny ad is a model student:
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