He whai take kore noa anō te kupu mēnā mā nga mahi a te tangata ia e kōrero / His words are nothing if his works say otherwise
Mike Haasl approved this submission.
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
Small-holding, coppice and grassland management on a 16-acre site.
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BBV price: 1
Note: Nice sharpening rig. That looks like the Buck knife I lost running from a helicopter that almost landed on me.
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
Oops ... clicked the wrong button.
Small-holding, coppice and grassland management on a 16-acre site.
Hans Quistorff approved this submission.
Cargo bikes are cool
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
There is madness to my method.
"Life finds a way"- Ian Malcolm
"We're all mad here" - The Cheshire Cat
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
"[6] Let the people, O God, confess to Thee: let all the people give praise to Thee: [7] The earth hath yielded her fruit. May God, our God bless us, [8] May God bless us: and all the ends of the earth fear Him." (Psalms 66/67)
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. - Job 1:21
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
Always questioning what's possible.
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
Check your pockets for water buffalo. You might need to use this tiny ad until you locate a water buffalo:
Freaky Cheap Heat - 2 hour movie - HD streaming