I turned a shirt into rags. A lot of the stuff I see on the net about doing this is about transforming t-shirts, which is fine for dusting, but I like rags from stiffer woven fabric for scrubbing. You might note from my pictures that I don’t mind seams, plackets, pockets, etc — they all provide extra tooth when cleaning something stubborn.
Shirt, recently stripped of buttons.
25 moderately large rags in three piles and a very small amount of waste to the side.
I harvested my old gardening shirt for buttons and then rags! Two BB's in one go. It was a ton of fun. I tried to keep seams and finished edges intact, and I also serged the cut edges for a bit more durability. Other scraps went in my fabrics bin to use for patches later. I kept the pocket because it was too cute to cut up. I'll add it to a future project.
Original Gardening shirt that was stained and ripped.
Shirt cup up int rags
Rags with serged edges
"Small pleasures must correct great tragedies, therefore of gardens in the midst of war I bold tell."
Good morning! It was time to make some PJ pants that were no longer worth mending into rags. Saved the elastic separately for adjusting/repairing kid clothes.
Here's an old shirt I'd never be able to sell and really don't want to wear, cut into nice usably sized rags
The shirt, before cutting it up.
After cutting it, the squares to the right and scraps on the left.
Some of the new rags, separated
"We are not destructive by nature but by habit" - Neal Spackman
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An old t-shirt that was a bit too holey for me to wear out anymore. I traced it first so I can make a new one later. It's a nice soft material that I think might work well for cleaning windows without streaks.