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This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Homesteading. (Note that this BB is part of a four-part choose your own adventure called Little List. You must complete four Badge Bits in the Little List.)

In this Badge Bit, you will sand an icy driveway and all paths.

(source) (source)

Some articles on sanding your driveway:
  - Alternatives to Salt for De-Icing
  - Keep Sidewalks Slip-free All Winter
  - Sand on Ice vs Salt on Ice
  - Rock Salt vs Sand to Prevent Slips

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
  - you must sand at least 60' of icy driveway
  - you must sand at least 60' of paths

To document this Badge Bit, provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (<2 mins):
   - icy driveway and paths before sanding
   - icy driveway and paths after sanding
   - if it isn't obvious that they are at least 60' long, please provide evidence

   - the width of the driveways and paths doesn't matter, only the length of them
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Sand icy driveway and all path bb submission:
Removing snow
Removing snow
Action shot
Action shot
Driveway sanded
Driveway sanded
Path sanded
Path sanded
Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone flagged this submission as an edge case BB.
BBV price: 0
Note: Could you please show that the driveway and path are each 60' long?  Thanks!

Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone flagged this submission as an edge case BB.
BBV price: 0
Note: Please provide the before picture of the path and also some proof that the driveway and path are 60' long

Staff note (Paul Fookes) :

Well done Leah, BB completed below.  Yep, 60 linear feet no matter the width (18 Metres minimum)

Leah Beninato
Posts: 56
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Approved submission
My apologies! I was rushing to get this bb done and made some assumptions that I should have gotten clarification on. I also  should have described my process, especially since I appear to be the first one to try for this bb.

To Begin:

When I read "60 foot long', I assumed an equivalent amount of square footage based on standard minimum widths x lengths for driveways and pathways would work as well. If there is a reason that a driveway or walkway must always be 60' or longer, then I don't understand this bb and I will just move on to a different one.

Otherwise, please read on:

When surveying my drive and path, I did a quick visual estimate using my preset markers (explained below) but I will do the math and actually reference professional guidelines below:

* LandscapingNetwork.com is an independent resource for information about the landscaping industry.


Using guidelines from the LandscapingNetwork.com website, the minimum width of a foot path is 18". For our purposes, I will round that up to 24" to keep the math very simple. Also, because I am not just shoveling strolling paths through a garden, but functional, paved access paths to a house. 18" is not enough room to actually be functional (IMHO).

Minimum for a driveway/parking spot/single car turn-around is 10' x 20'.

Applying those width measurements to the badge bit requirements, minimum total square footage with 60' of length would be 720sqft.

My driveway measured at it's smallest width and length is 24'x40' (widening at the street- more on that later). My walkway is almost 3' when shoveled out. So let's be conservative and just say 2'x18'. That's a total of 996sqft.

So in terms of total square footage covered, that shouldn't be a problem.

I will go further:

Again, being mindful of accessibility, the path markers on our drive and path are not random. They are spaced a minimum of 10' apart going lengthwise to the street (see additional pics). They are set 25' across the width of the driveway except at the street entrance where they are set 28' apart. The little extra width at the street helps for turning and visibility.  The street plows do try to respect those guide markers and try not to plow us back in. But we are on a corner lot, and for a snow-load like yesterday (over 2'), we inevitably got plowed back in. The markers help me cut the snow back to keep the driveway open.

These markers are also to prevent 'shoveling drift' as I call it: the tendency for a path to become smaller and smaller the longer you shovel. I make a point to shovel past these markers every time to make sure we always have enough room to park side by side and comfortably open doors, walk around, etc.

Same goes for the foot path leading to the house. The 3' wide path has a slightly raised edge on each side. By shoveling all the way to that raised edge, it ensures that the pathway stays open and accessible.

I hope that clarifies my process. Thanks for your consideration.

Update: 1/31/21 @8am 2nd round of sanding pics added.
Update: 2/5/21 @8am 3rd round of sanding pics added.
Snowy/icy driveway
Snowy/icy driveway
Snowy/icy path
Snowy/icy path
Length = 40’ in 10’ sections
Length = 40’ in 10’ sections
Close up of measuring tape
Close up of measuring tape
Front porch = 15’/ drive extends another 10’
Front porch = 15’/ drive extends another 10’
Close up of measuring tape
Close up of measuring tape
Path 18’ long
Path 18’ long
Close up of measuring tape
Close up of measuring tape
Path almost 3’ wide
Path almost 3’ wide
2nd round driveway
2nd round driveway
2nd round driveway
2nd round driveway
2nd round path
2nd round path
3rd round Icey path
3rd round Icey path
3rd round sanded path
3rd round sanded path
Staff note :

Ok, so it looks like your driveway is about 40' long and the walk is 18' plus the L bit.  So the walk is at least 20' but likely less than 30'.  So to complete this BB if you shovel the driveway again (which it looks like you did) and shovel the path two more times (once more shown in this post), you should hit the 60 foot length requirement.  Width isn't mentioned in the BB so we currently aren't considering it.  Luckily I think you might get more snow before winter is over?

So just shovel the path once more and you got it!

Staff note :

Correction: You'd still need to sand the current icy path and driveway to get that to count.  So sand the path and driveway now and the next time the path is icy, sand it and you're done.

Staff note (gir bot) :

Paul Fookes approved this submission.
Note: Congratulations Leah. I certify this BB complete.

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Approved submission
We live in a place where it snows for the first time at the end of October (usually) and then the snow sticks around until the middle of April (usually). So we snowblow, shovel, scoop, plow, dig, etc. But it doesn't just thaw away to nothing and wait for the next snow to fall on the dirt. That staying cold that it does means that the walking surface is usually not too bad. It's just crunchy dense snow. But when it does get warm and melts on top, or all the way through, and then freezes up again, that's ice which is dangerous. You can chisel it away if you have boundless energy. Or you can use salt (and worse) if you don't mind inputs that damage your surroundings. Or you can just sand the top surface which provides traction and even helps it melt faster when the temps warm up and the sun hits the tiny grains of rock.

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
 - you must sand at least 60' of icy driveway
 - you must sand at least 60' of paths

To document this Badge Bit, provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (<2 mins):
  - icy driveway and paths before sanding
  - icy driveway and paths after sanding
  - if it isn't obvious that they are at least 60' long, please provide evidence

I don't really have 60' of path, so you're going to see the same path sanded again and again.

Here's where I'm getting the sand. Sometimes I have to bust it up a little with a metal tool because it wasn't perfectly dry when I put it away, but it hasn't proved too hard and this morning it was easy.
Here's where I'm getting the sand. Sometimes I have to bust it up a little with a metal tool because it wasn't perfectly dry when I put it away, but it hasn't proved too hard and this morning it was easy.
Our first ice of the year on 16 January.
Our first ice of the year on 16 January.
The part of the walkway that needed sanding here was about 8'.
The part of the walkway that needed sanding here was about 6'.
Three weeks later, the combination of a warm spell and us tromping on it instead of shoveling the way I ought to have, left ice.
Three weeks later, the combination of a warm spell and us tromping on it instead of shoveling the way I ought to have, left ice.
The sanded section here is about 18-20'
The sanded section here is about 20'
I got home with some groceries this morning and decided to sand before bringing everything in. The closest bit of this is technically on our driveway, but it acts as the path betwene the house, parking, and the garage. It's about 35-40'
I got home with some groceries this morning and decided to sand before bringing everything in. The closest bit of this is technically on our driveway, but it acts as the path betwene the house, parking, and the garage. It's about 45'.
On 15 Feb, we had a freak warm-snap that turned our driveway into a slush-pit.
On 15 Feb, we had a freak warm-snap that turned our driveway into a slush-pit.
A few weeks earlier, a tow-truck got stuck and created two deep ruts, and with them full of slush, I managed to get my Highlander stuck!
A few weeks earlier, a tow-truck got stuck and created two deep ruts, and with them full of slush, I managed to get my Highlander stuck!
These next several pictures tell that story of how sand (and cursing, I assure you) finally got me out of the rut.
These next several pictures tell that story of how sand (and cursing, I assure you) finally got me out of the rut.
Our driveway is a ~110' "circle" (more of a D with two outlets to the street) and this section that I've sanded is the long leg -- roughly 2/3 of the whole.
Our driveway is a ~190' and this sanded section is about 2/3 of that.
[Thumbnail for sandedDriveway0216_3.jpg]
[Thumbnail for sandedDriveway0216_2.jpg]
[Thumbnail for sandedDriveway0216_1.jpg]
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Someone approved this submission.

Posts: 443
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Approved submission

Dave Burton wrote: sand an icy driveway and all paths.

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
  - you must sand at least 60' of icy driveway
  - you must sand at least 60' of paths

To document this Badge Bit, provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (<2 mins):
   - icy driveway and paths before sanding
   - icy driveway and paths after sanding
   - if it isn't obvious that they are at least 60' long, please provide evidence

   - the width of the driveways and paths doesn't matter, only the length of them

Here at WL, we're seeing our first freeze-thaw cycles. This morning it was particularly icy so I sanded a 60+ft pathway from FP house to the solarium and a 60ft section of the turtle lot. The tape measure to where the kid is marks 60ft in both before photos.
[Thumbnail for 60-ft-of-icy-path.JPG]
[Thumbnail for 60ft-of-icy-driveway.JPG]
[Thumbnail for 60ft-of-sanded-path.JPG]
[Thumbnail for 60ft-of-sanded-driveway.JPG]
Staff note (gir bot) :

Jeremy VanGelder approved this submission.

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