o pic of starting materials before fire
o pic of fire started
o pic of additional wood added
o pic of uncooked food going in
o pic of cooked food coming out
Starting materials
Staring the fire:
Adding wood:
Cookies going in (my face tells you the oven is HOT):
Huckleberry scones in the rocket oven, slightly burnt...
So Paul asked us to burn ugly wood and bark, for future chefs bark Burns fast and hot. There scones were supposed to bake 15-20m at 400F. They were only in for 15m but the oven reached 600F. The flavor was like when you cook on a stick and drop your food in the ashes, but the paper thin layer of not burnt tasted amazing!
Recipe - 1c oat flour, 6T butter, 1 egg, 3T maple syrup, 2t bake powder and I forgot to add 1/2t salt.
I cooked onions and cauliflower in the oven to compliment my quinoa, beans, parsley, capers, and curry for dinner.
Minimum requirement:
- must use a rocket oven that operates somewhat similarly to the ones above
- food must be cooked in a chamber (oven)
- exhaust gasses don't contact the food
- food is clearly cooked
- food is not burnt
- as in the Food Prep and Preservation aspect, no aluminum or teflon/coated cookware or plastic touching the food (including bowls and utensils) is allowed
To get certified for this Badge Bit you must:
- post 5 pictures:
o pic of starting materials before fire
o pic of fire started
o pic of additional wood added
o pic of uncooked food going in
o pic of cooked food coming out
“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks” -John Muir