L. Johnson wrote:
Gunnar, you're missing a picture of you holding it and showing your thumb and forefinger touch. Can you post the additional photo? Then we can probably approve it.
I made the club style mallet out of some wood from a tree that was removed at the nearby school. Based on the grain pattern, I believe it to be the trunk of a young ash tree.
This mallet should be a significant improvement over my previous hatchet mallet, which was just a branch that was too fat to comfortably hold.
Log, before shaping
cut to length with pruning saw, shaped with hatchet
Fits comfortably in hand. smoothed handle a bit with knife.
This is step 1 for me to learn everything I can about round-wood woodworking to build a farm-stand from the land. Let the adventure continue!!!
My new club raw
Half wayish
Finished Mallot
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What are you going to do now?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Goin straight Bob. I don’t know, get a job, find myself a gal.. or, I dunno what people do nowadays, build-a, uh, a barn maybe, paint the barn with the gal, put the gal in the barn, you know; American dream."
This is number two the first one I did not get all the pics I needed so I did a new one. the wood is a maple from my buck saw I need it shorter and I needed a green log win win!! the first pic I took most of the bark off. Then I made my cut for the head then it hit me I need a pic dam. so there it is my club and I love it.
Nicole Alderman approved this submission. Note: I hereby certify that this badge bit is complete! Though usually mallets are longer, you specified that you needed a short one. Good job making a mallet for the purpose you need it for!
This is my submission for the club style mallet BB. This was my second attempt - the first ended up as firewood. I am pleased with how the mallet turned out. I put chamfers on the head and handle and used just a knife to give it a smooth finish that's pleasing to hold. It's a bit too long for my comfort, but I left it to meet the requirements of the BB. I'm looking forward to using it.
The log I started with and the tools I've selected to use
I've finished the axe work and are ready to put on final details
The finished mallet in my hand with chamfers and knife smooth handle
a new permaculture fledgling that needs to learn lots
Found out while volunteering last week, that my county sometimes just burns brush that's too small for sawyers. We cut back some pretty nice black walnut and bitternut hickory and I could not just let them go to waste. Some I'm going to use on spoons hopefully, but decided I would make a mallet from one of the black walnut logs
Logs I picked out while volunteering
Home and stacked...for now
Black walnut I liked... length
some initial cutting with a hatchet
got too cold, came inside for my chisel and drawknife- here's the tools too
Almost done, but it's a little too big and I want that bark off
switched to a smaller chisel to do some detail work and planing
Done. Finally I can stop using that rubber mallet
"We are not destructive by nature but by habit" - Neal Spackman
I keep some of my personal and community projects here if you're interested: My Blog & My Instagram
To document this Badge Bit, provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (<2 mins):
- Your chunk of wood that you are starting with (about 16 inches long and 4 inches in diameter)
- progress about half way through, with the hand tools you have decided to use for this
- final product held in your hand showing that your thumb and first finger can touch (any fatter than that and your hand will get very tired using it)