Chris Vee

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since Jan 21, 2023
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I did some stuff before, then I decided to stop doin stuff and relax a bit, then I went to do some traveling, before I left for my travels I met this gal, incredible gal, blows my mind. A month later we packed up our stuff and her dogs and camped out in a yurt around the Gulf of Mexico, now we have two little lady-babies and are living the dream-life in the woods. I have gratitude seeping out of my eye-holes every morning when I wake up.
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Recent posts by Chris Vee

Chris McClellan wrote:Thank you. It is the best part of any build I've been on when we get to learn something and have fun together. This is the cob sauna we're building right now in Dover, PA.

Two things:

1. Everything is very tight for us right now… i am still not certain i will make it but I am 90% certain I will be there… Can I just show up?…


2. Is that build in the photo the style we’ll be doing this weekend?… is it legit a cob sauna?? 🤯

Cheers all!
2 months ago

paul wheaton wrote:

Chris Vee wrote:Oh how cool! I'm going to ask my wife. Can she come? She has a sourdough micro-bakery now!!

What a great opportunity, & I can finally get all my badges!!

Sounds like a three-fer!

I assume you are suggesting that you and your wife would be boots?

Absolutely!! She’s a diehard pollinator fan, don’t know how I got so lucky 😊
3 months ago
Oh how cool! I'm going to ask my wife. Can she come? She has a sourdough micro-bakery now!!

What a great opportunity, & I can finally get all my badges!!
3 months ago

Andrés Bernal wrote:

Chris Vee wrote:…is this still happening? .. is she okay? I’m in SC if she needs supplies or a generator..

Yes, it's still happening! Katie is fine, and power is being restored. Now, this workshop is even more important, as rocket mass heaters will be even more needed as winter comes. I'll ask her about supplies and generator needs. Thanks so much!

Agreed! I'm not sure what I would do if my sauna didn't work during long-term power outages!!! :-D

But seriously... I'm going to try to make it to this one AND to the California course with Uncle Mud in the beginning of November; but after we got hit and had no power for 8 days I'm not certain that we'll be able to make it work.

Fingers Crossed!!!
3 months ago

Andrés Bernal wrote:

Build an Off-Grid, Rocket-Powered Sauna with Uncle Mud in East Tennessee!

Learn how to build a rocket-powered sauna heater that maximizes heat with minimal wood on a brand-new homestead project in the Appalachian Mountains of Flag Pond, TN (only 45 minutes north of Asheville, NC and 30 minutes south of Johnson City, TN).

to find all the details!


Join us for a weekend with world-renowned permaculture expert Chris McClellan, aka Uncle Mud, where you'll go beyond the typical wood stove and dive deep into rocket heater technology. Through a blend of fire science theory and practical building sessions, you’ll leave with the know-how to create your own rocket heater.

This workshop is all about taking heating efficiency to the next level. You’ll not only build a rocket heater but also help create an off-grid sauna using these principles—then relax and enjoy it afterward! It’s a unique chance to learn from Uncle Mud, gain hands-on experience, and take home practical skills for sustainable heating.


The weekend of October 25 - 27, 2024


Katie´s (brand new) homestead project in Flag Pond, TN  (5 minutes from beautiful Rocky Fork State Park)

Earlybird promotion ends October 13th

…is this still happening? .. is she okay? I’m in SC if she needs supplies or a generator..
3 months ago
I’m in!!! Soon as I dig up the cash I’ll be signing up. Anybody want to road trip from East Coast for this?
4 months ago
Thank you so much Thomas!

I used not quite a 3:1 mix-- closer to a 2.6:1 mix

AKA a 13:4 I guess...

The sand I used is from a local cement and masonry place that the sand grains come in all sizes from small to large, it feels especially grainy/rough in the hand. I got 2 tons for $60.

Sounds like for the rest of the project I may want to just go get that medium grain... I think I will.

Are you saying there is a decent chance the cracks did not come from doing too much cob at one time?

& I did line bricks and rocks all through the middle of the cob. I just didn't take pictures of it....

Thank you again so much and Cheers!!!
9 months ago
So caveat: please don't be too hard on me. I know.

I was building a RMH by myself over the last 5 months and it was becoming tedious mixing and laying cob alone.

I enlisted a buddy to help me and we attacked the RMH... we laid far more cob in 8 hours than I would have imagined. Probably a literal ton of cob +-200 pounds.

So as it's been drying it has also been cracking.... I'm thinking I will fill the cracks w/ a clay slip that has a little sand mixed in but hoping to find a good way to do that or other options at this point.

My wife would be very unhappy if I had to tear down the cob to start fresh so I'm going to avoid that. Full stop.

Thanks y'all.

9 months ago

Ned Harr wrote:I

I keep hearing about pawpaw fruit (a.k.a. Hillbilly bananas) but I never see them growing anywhere.

..One time in my 20s I went to this party where we ate these berries that make sour stuff taste sweet. That was fun...

I just planted a paw paw outside our window last season! I'll try and let you know how it goes.

ALSO-- Just bought a half-of-a-bull from Georgia= Bull Testicles!!! I will make them soon; have no idea how yet but figure the universe will help me figure it out like she usually does... what a world!!!

cheers all!
11 months ago

Glenn Herbert wrote:A heavy riser like that is going to work best when run for a long time each firing, so once the bricks heat up they can coast without taking more energy from the burn.

Awesome, the plan will essentially be to run it from about 11 a.m. to midnight each day throughout winter... does that sound right or should I consider starting it earlier each day so there isn't as much time to cool between night and morning?..
1 year ago