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This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Homesteading. (Note that this BB is part of a four-part choose your own adventure called Little List. You must complete four Badge Bits in the Little List.)

In this Badge Bit, you will create or restock a first aid kit.

Some related articles on makign first aid kits
  - How to Create a Home First Aid Kit
  - How to Build Your Own First Aid Kit
  - Make a First Aid Kit
  - DIY Dollar Store First Aid Kit

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
  - you must create or restock a first aid kit (that needs restocking)

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
   - a before picture of the supplies to create your first aid kit (or of the current status of a first aid kit)
   - a list of the supplies in the first aid kit being created (or a list of supplies in stock and out of stock in the first aid kit)
   - an after picture of the completed first aid kit you made (or of the newly restocked first aid kit)
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First Aid kit that I keep in the back of my truck. Its an old hard case that used to hold my camera and accessories.
Hard case First Aid Kit
Hard case First Aid Kit
Contents of existing kit
Contents of existing kit
Adding these items
Adding these items
Finished kit stuffed full
Finished kit stuffed full
List of items in the improved kit
List of items in the improved kit
Staff note (Dave Burton) :

I hereby certify this BB as complete!

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I didn't even realize this was a BB! Woohoo, this should be a fun one, and I already have everything I need!

I've got a pretty extensive collection of medical supplies: most of them are just basic stuff like cold meds, pain killers, tummy stuff, but I have a pretty good stock of more traditional First Aid supplies. I also have a little kit made up so my family can just grab it and bring me what I need.

I needed to replace some expired stuff, so took some pictures to fulfill my BB!
Here's what's in the First Aid "Go Kit"

Ammonia Inhalants
Iodine prep swabs
Alcohol-based cleaning swabs
Alcohol-free sterowipes
Sterile Eye Wash
Assorted sterile gauze
Sterile eye pad
3 Triangle bandages and saftey pins
2 Rolls of gauze tape (small and large)
1 Roll non-sterile gauze wrap
Assorted bandaids
Anti-itch stick
4 Sterile suture kits
Sterile wound glue (Mastisol, suture alternative)
Sterile #15 blades
Blade handle
Locking Forceps
Assorted tweezers
Nail Trimmer
Sterile punch tool
Blunt-tip scissors

My old Lifeguarding pouch contains my CPR mask and one-way valve, and is always buckled to the Go Kit.

I've had training on how to use all of my tools, including the suture kits (worked in a clinic and assisted with minor inpatient surgical procedures).
There are more specialized tools in my general supplies, but they aren't needed as often so they stay in the big drawer.

Supplies unpacked
Supplies unpacked
Supplies Tetris
Supplies Tetris
Complete minor-emergency go-kit
Complete minor-emergency go-kit
The Big Drawer of Everything!
The Big Drawer of Everything!
Staff note (Mike Haasl) :

I hereby certify this BB complete!

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The smaller kit is my trauma kit and the larger one is my home's main first aid kit.

The trauma kit is in good shape.  Chest seals, z-clot bandages, CAT tourniquet, and tons of other stuff all neatly arranged so I know exactly where it is.  I even put cute little reflectors on it.

This one is a nightmare. Disorganized.  Multiples of stuff I don't want and missing stuff I do.  

So here's the list:

Here's the purchased resupply.  I also cleaned it, organized it, and put things in labeled boxes or clear bags.

Here's the refurbished kit:

Staff note (jordan barton) :

I hereby certify this BB complete!

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We had a bunch of medical supplies in a cardboard box,  but I managed to get ahold of an old empty first aid kit bag, so packed the most used items into it.  Not sure if that counts as a resupply or a creation. Either way it works.

Kit bag
Emergency info sheets
Space blanket
Emergency hydration
Allergy pills
Peppermint oil
Bergamot/eucalyptus/mint muscle rub
Antibiotic cream
Alcohol swabs
Gauze pads
Cotton swabs
Various sizes of bandaids
Before packing pt1
Before packing pt1
Before packing 2
Before packing 2
Some of the interior pt1
Some of the interior pt1
Some of the interior pt2
Some of the interior pt2
Some of the interior pt3
Some of the interior pt3
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Mike Barkley approved this submission.

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One of the "joys" of living with others is that some people tend to put things wherever it's convenient for them, not necessarily where they go.  Fixed!

Car kit:
ace bandage
rolled gauze
peppermint oil
cold pack
insect sting pen
ear drops
first aid cream
antibiotic cream
burn cream
alcohol wipes
cleaning wipes
alka selzer cold
various sizes of band-aids

gauze bandage rolls
various sizes of band-aids
wet wipes
rolled gauze (smaller)
2x2 gauze sponges
alcohol wipes
lidocaine cream
first aid cream
antibiotic ointment
wart remover
Wally's ear oil
ace bandages
cleansing wipes
bluboro astringent
hand sanitizer wipes
cortizone cream
cotton balls
sterile needle
medical tape
moist towlettes
first aid guide
chlorhexidine gluconate cloths

Contents spread out -- not all belong in here.
Contents spread out -- not all belong in here.
This is how I found them...
This is how I found them...
Now organized for the car
Now organized for the car
Easy to find stuff when it's organized
Easy to find stuff when it's organized
Staff note (Mike Haasl) :

I certify this BB complete along with your newest air badge!

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Here is my submission for the Homesteading - Sand - Restock First Aid Kit BB.

To document the completion of the BB, I have provided the following:
  - a before picture of the supplies to create your first aid kit (or of the current status of a first aid kit
  - a list of the supplies in the first aid kit being created (or a list of supplies in stock and out of stock in the first aid kit
  - an after picture of the completed first aid kit you made (or of the newly restocked first aid kit

Since I recently purchased a new car, I thought it would be a good idea to go through the first aid kit and refresh/restock.
A while back, the company my sister works for replaced all their first aid kits and she brought home the 1/2 stocked kits.  We restocked two (one for each of our cars) and kept the empty kits/bags.  This time I decided to add "pages" to my kit and improve the organization while restocking.

In Stock:
a small assortment of bandaids and gauze pads
1 small roll of gauze and tape
Expired medications - removed
1 pair exam gloves
alcohol wipes
antiseptic wipes (sting-free)
1 pk moleskin
Sterile Eye Pad Gauze
1 pk sterile gauze
sunscreen (1 pk)
1 cold pack

Out of Stock/Added:
adhesive tape
vet wrap
more bandaids, gauze pads, gauze (roll), adhesive tape
2 more cold packs
Emergency/Survival Blanket
more exam gloves in individual Ziplocs to keep clean(ish)
hot packs - hand/feet warmers
Sterile saline for contacts or eye rinse
castile soap wipes
sting stop wipes
more and different antiseptic towelettes
hypergel packs for washing out wounds
more moleskin
replaced medications

kit in original state - it was about 2" thin (thick)
kit in original state - it was about 2" thin (thick)
everything that was in and everything to be added
everything that was in and everything to be added
added page to organize gloves, gauze, and tape
added page to organize gloves, gauze, and tape
small items page
small items page
hot packs and moleskin
hot packs and moleskin
page of gauze pads
page of gauze pads
back pocket with ice packs and survival blanket
back pocket with ice packs and survival blanket
page of pandages
page of pandages
more bandages
more bandages
cleaning towelettes
cleaning towelettes
ready to go :)
ready to go :)
Staff note (gir bot) :

Mike Haasl approved this submission.

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Is this more the style post youre looking for My?

My family and I updated our 72 hour kits. Most of the packs (there are 7 of us, so 7 packs) had been made by me a couple years ago. One was a factory, made kit, so peeked inside the first aid kit. It definitely needed to be restocked to fit our family's medical needs.

In stock:
2 gauze pads
9 plain bandaids
Cue tips,
Cold pack,
Exam gloves,
Garbage bags,
Med scissors,
Tongue depression,
Basic guide,
13 Alcohol pads

Acetaminophen packets,
Burn cream,
Blister packet,
Electrolyte mix,
Antacid packet,
Insect bite relief,
Antibiotic cream

Replaced with:
Tylenol bottle,
Benedryl tablets,
Peppermint essential oil (e.o.)
Lemongrass e.o.
Lavender e.o.
Tea tree e.o.
Yarrow e.o.
Wintergreen e.o.
Helichrysm e.o.
Carrier oil

Also added to stock:
11 fingertip and butterfly bandaids,
1 roll of gauze,
1 ace bandage
1 roll of medical tape,
1 container of water purification tabs,
1 bandana (for a turnicut)

Now I feel pretty darn confident about being able to field-manage any small injuries!!
The old kit
The old kit
New things in
New things in
More new things
More new things
Paced back in the 72 hourkit
Paced back in the 72 hourkit
Expired meds
Expired meds
Replaced meds and essential oils
Replaced meds and essential oils
Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone flagged this submission as not complete.
BBV price: 1
Note: We need to see more detail like the the BB's above.  "- a list of the supplies in the first aid kit being created (or a list of supplies in stock and out of stock in the first aid kit)"

Staff note (gir bot) :

Mike Barkley approved this submission.

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To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
  - a before picture of the supplies to create your first aid kit (or of the current status of a first aid kit)
  - a list of the supplies in the first aid kit being created (or a list of supplies in stock and out of stock in the first aid kit)
  - an after picture of the completed first aid kit you made (or of the newly restocked first aid kit)

When hunting season arrived I upgraded my basic first aid kit that I carry into the woods every day.

It includes ...
peanut butter jar container wrapped with 10-15 feet of duct tape
gloves with alcohol pads stored inside
medical tape wrapped in foil
mirrors from a make up compact
tube of antibiotic goop
a few acetiminophen & diphenhydramine tablets
a couple packs of Celox granules (blood clotting agent)
alcohol pads
cotton balls
gauze roll
band aids
several sizes of gauze pads
a small bison tube for keeping pills waterproof if needed
super glue
chap stick
anti-germ wipes

I also carry a snake bite & sting kit that includes ...
sting relief pads
alcohol pads
a suction syringe (hickey from hell)

The CS pic includes the recent additions ...
a larger container
hydrogen peroxide
the repacked peanut butter jar ready to be wrapped in it's red bandana
sting/bite kit
several more pairs of gloves
feminine hygiene pads
several sizes of antibacterial gauze pads
Quick Clot infused gauze
wide waterproof tape
super bright headlamp
butterfly closures
petroleum jelly
cayenne pepper (last resort)

The last pic shows everything ready to go back into the backpack. I have other tools & supplies in there that aren't technically medical items but could be used to improvise. Splint, tourniquet, stretcher, sling, hypothermia, chest seals, tracheotomy, amputations, etc. Let's hope a medivac arrives first!

Here's a couple of trusted medical supply places.



[Thumbnail for CS-kit.jpg]
[Thumbnail for PB-kit.jpg]
[Thumbnail for ready-to-rock-n-roll.jpg]
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Ashley Cottonwood approved this submission.
Note: I certify this BB complete!

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Here is a spare hard case I had from hunting. I figured it would make a nice medical kit.

Here are a list of the items used to create the kit:

1) 1x tube of Neosporin
2) 1x tourniquet
3) 2x knock Emergen-C like vitamin c packets
4) Roughly 75x Advil liquid gels (I used a previously open one because I just bought a new bottle)
5) 2x alberterol sulfate capsules. My step son has asthma so having these is critical to using his nebulizer.
6) 1x casualty assistance card
7) 2x crinkle gauze
1x 4 inch trauma dressing roll
9) 1x elastic bandage roll
10) 1x nasopharyngeal airway
11) 1x asherman chest seal
12) 1x roll of medical tape
13) 1x moxifloxacin tablet
14) 1x meloxicam tablet
15) 1x acetaminophen tablet
Empty hardcase
Empty hardcase
Pre-sealed gear laid out
Pre-sealed gear laid out
Loose gear laid out
Loose gear laid out
Topped with the casualty assistance card
Topped with the casualty assistance card
Finished and heading to the truck
Finished and heading to the truck
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Mike Barkley approved this submission.

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This kit mainly goes on my “gun fighting” belt, but also goes with me on hikes.

Compact tear-off med kit from Special Operations Equipment.
Chem light
Recon Medical tourniquet
Chest seal
Duct tape
Emergency space blanket: These are much stronger than you’d think. I have used them as a stretcher in training and seen people dragged across a field without tearing. Also great for treating hypothermia and shock.
Olaes hemostatic bandage: from TacMed Solutions. These are a great multi function bandage. The non-hemostatic version is very inexpensive. Link to what I have https://tacmedsolutions.com/collections/medical-supplies/products/olaes-hemostatic-bandage
Loaded kit
Loaded kit
All packed and ready to hopefully never be used.
All packed and ready to hopefully never be used.
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Carla Burke approved this submission.

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Restocking time for the house's first aid kit.
In stock before check up
In stock before check up
After inventory and restocking stuff
After inventory and restocking stuff
Job all done!
Job all done!
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Mike Barkley approved this submission.

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I went through our van's first aid kit and here is what I found:
Water filter
Cold pack
Eye drops
Anti-itch cream
Children’s Tylenol
Rubbing alcohol
Antibacterial cream
Ace wrap
1 Inch bandage
Girly stuff

Here is what I added:
Lav. Hydrosol
Aloe Vera
Yarrow oil

Nux Vomica

And guess what, it all fit back in!
I am working on typing out a list of contents and what-to-do's but I am not done with it yet. I will stick that in when I finish it.
Before, in the bin
Before, in the bin
Before, on the table
Before, on the table
Restocked and repacked
Restocked and repacked
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I created a basic "to-go" first-aid kit I will store in the entrance closet.

Inside there is:
- Band-aids of diverse size
- Adhesive wound dressing (band aid "stitches")
- Aloe vera gel
- Acetaminophen
- Tea tree oil
- Alcohol swabs
- Gaze compress
- Hydrogen peroxyde
- Bandage
[Thumbnail for 325554213_545573497609726_1427270781673764802_n.jpg]
[Thumbnail for 325535324_3358782127671503_2610777202856963936_n.jpg]
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Raphaël Blais approved this submission.

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I've had a medicine box since shortly after moving out of my childhood home, but used an old comestic box. I've upgraded it to an actual first aid kit so in an emergency people can quickly find it. In my old box I had:

 Plasters
 Rubber gloves
 Eye drops
 Hand sanitiser
 Anti-septic cream
 Hayfever tablets
 Cold relief tablets
 Vaseline
 Nurofen
 Codeine
 Sun cream

I added paracetamol and ibuprofen which can be seen in the pockets on the left. I'm always running out of these as I usually carry them in my work bag. I've put these two in here so I never run out at home.
Before items
Before items
New first aid kit ( the paracetamol and ibuprofen are also new)
New first aid kit ( the paracetamol and ibuprofen are also new)
Placed on my window sill in my bedroom
Placed on my window sill in my bedroom
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Raphaël Blais approved this submission.

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Good day!  I was motivated to get a proper first aid kit after my false sense of security was shattered by an injury that sent me to the ER for seven staples and $1k bill.  If you want pictures of the wound I'd be glad to post them as a cautionary tale, but I felt it unnecessary for the BB.  

Previously there was no first aid kit in the house other than a few miscellaneous bandages, gauze, alcohol prep pads and hydrogen peroxide.  After the costly accident, I purchased this first aid kit and added a suture staple gun and an Epipen.  When I took stock of the kit I noticed that ammonia smelling salts were on the packing list, but not included in the kit.  I ordered some and replaced what was not included initially.
[Thumbnail for first-aid-kit-1-list.jpg]
[Thumbnail for First-aid-kit-1.jpg]
[Thumbnail for first-aid-kit-2-list.jpg]
[Thumbnail for first-aid-kit-2.jpg]
Staple gun, staple removers, misc bandages
Staple gun, staple removers, misc bandages
[Thumbnail for Epipen.jpg]
[Thumbnail for Packed-up.jpg]
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Nikki Roche approved this submission.
Note: Great work! Glad you're ok after such an injury.

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My car first aid kit needed refreshing. Some of the items were from ten years ago and some were plain missing, like pain reliever.

I took inventory, pulled some things from the house stock (only if there were extra, not to deplete the house inventory), and went to the store for the rest.

I also stocked some children’s ibuprofen as I am usually traveling with children and they can’t use the adult medication.

My kit has a couple extra items like a headlamp and whistle, but I figured they can’t hurt to have.
Before, still packaged
Before, still packaged
Before, spread out for inventory
Before, spread out for inventory
List of items and their status
List of items and their status
New pile of items
New pile of items
Packaged up
Packaged up
Had to change the batteries on the headlamp, and pack it up too
Had to change the batteries on the headlamp, and pack it up too
Staff note (gir bot) :

Raphaël Blais approved this submission.
Note: Great job! be safe !

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Already have a good one for the car and house, so made a first aid kit for the shop (getting the safety station set up).

List of supplies:
Gauze pads
Alcohol pads
Bacitracin (didn't make it into the photos as I added it afterward)
Empty container and contents to be put into kit
Empty container and contents to be put into kit
Tucked away
Tucked away
In accessible place
In accessible place
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Our first aid kit contains the following:

Adhesive Tape
Adhesive Wrap
Cotton Balls
Heat Sock (contains rice)
Cold Packs
Sterile Gloves
CPR Mask
CPR/First Aid Cards
Plastic Bags (mainly for car travel in case a child gets sick)
Baking Soda (to help clean up after a child gets sick)
First Aid Container
[Thumbnail for 20230911_132553.jpg]
[Thumbnail for 20230911_133151.jpg]
[Thumbnail for 20230911_133604.jpg]
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Raphaël Blais approved this submission.

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Submission flagged incomplete
I'm around enough kids that having bandaids on hand is a life saver and have gotten tired of digging them out of the trash at the bottom of my bag. I have a few other first aid supplies in my bag: tobacco for bug bites, pliers and tape. I didn't add much beond boo-boo suplies because I don't need to be doing surgery on somebody else's kid.
-Asorted bandaids
-alcohol wipes
First aid kit and supplies.
First aid kit and supplies.
Packed in.
Packed in.
 In my bag.
In my bag.
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Someone flagged this submission as not complete.
BBV price: 1
Note: Sorry, that's just not a robust enough collection to be considered a "first aid kit". 

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Edge case submission
We recently bought a new vehicle, which did not have a first aid kit in it. So we thought that it would be a good idea to make one from scratch and put it in the van.
here is the list of supplies that we constructed the first aid kit out of.
here is the list of supplies that we constructed the first aid kit out of.
the first aid kit supplies.
the first aid kit supplies.
Staff note (gir bot) :

Raphaël Blais flagged this submission as an edge case.
BBV price: 0
Note: Nearly there, but they ask for a before and after picture of the first aid kit, sorry.

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Approved submission
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
  - a before picture of the supplies to create your first aid kit (or of the current status of a first aid kit)
  - a list of the supplies in the first aid kit being created (or a list of supplies in stock and out of stock in the first aid kit)
  - an after picture of the completed first aid kit you made (or of the newly restocked first aid kit)

I keep a first aid kit on the truck for work.  It's time to add to it so this is my list and pics.

                            First Aid Kit Contents
Gauze Roll
Adhesive Bandages 1” x 3”                   Examination Gloves
Adhesive Bandages 3” x ¾”                  Tweezers
Fingertip Bandages                               Burn Creams/First Aid Creams
Butterfly Closures                                 Antibiotic Ointment
Knuckle Bangages                                 Alcohol Pads
Tape Roll                                                Antiseptic Towlettes
Triangle Bandage                                  Case
Safety Pins                                             First Aid Guide
Eye Pad                                                  Finger Splints/Tongue Depressors
Trauma Pad 5” x 9”                               Cotton Tip Applicators
Gauze Pads 4” x 4”                                Splinter Remover
Gauze Pads 3” x 3”                                Scissors
Gauze Pads 2” x 2”                                Instant Cold Compress
Moleskin                                                Cloth Bandaids 2” x 3”
Antibiotic/Pain Relieving Ointment    Tylenol Packets
restocking a first aid kit
supplies to restock a first aid kit
additional supplies for restocking a first aid kit
first aid kit
first aid kit
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To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
 - you must create or restock a first aid kit (that needs restocking)

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
  - a before picture of the supplies to create your first aid kit (or of the current status of a first aid kit)
  - a list of the supplies in the first aid kit being created (or a list of supplies in stock and out of stock in the first aid kit)
  - an after picture of the completed first aid kit you made (or of the newly restocked first aid kit)

The majority of our healthcare/1st aid needs have been stocked in our bathroom medicine cabinet and our portable first aid kits have fell to the wayside for about four years. I finally cracked the two kits opened and felt they were pretty lacking. We had partial kits in our cars, random extra bits and bobs in the house, plus things I purchased to restock. I got both kits organized and restocked so if something were to happen we can grab them and go.


I sometimes forget my chicken scratch is an acquired taste for the eyes. Oops!

Kit #1 Contents
Stick Applicators
Ice Pack
Triple Antibiotic Cream (Tube and single applications)
Butterfly Closures
Various sized band aids
Trauma Pads
Alcohol cleansing pads
Sterile Gauze
BZK Towelettes (Another kind of body cleansing formula)
Various NSAIDS (Aspirin/Tylenol/Ibuprofen)
Splinter Removal Kits
Eye Pads
Tongue depressors
Medical tapes

Kit #2 Contents
Medical Glue
Various Suture
Athletic Tape
Zinc medical tape
Rescue Blanket
Ace Bandage
A mess
A mess
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Note: Please type the contents. The picture listing contents is not legible to be.

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I didn’t think we needed another first aid kit… until my husband told me that the first aid at his work (a mechanic shop) is very poorly stocked.

(His bosses, when asked things like, “Can we have more alcohol prep pads in the kit? There aren’t any left” or “Can we have some updated bandaids that aren’t from 1994 and are actually sticky?” say, “But we have a whole bottle of alcohol in the office!” and “That kit predates us. We’re not going to buy more bandaids because we don’t want you taking them home with you.” Sigh.)

bag of supplies and two boxes
bag of supplies and two boxes
stocked basic kit
stocked basic kit
list of supplies in each
list of supplies in each
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We have had multiple different supplies in different places in the house, but I decided to assemble some of the supplies for a first aid kit. Here’s a list of what I included:
2 extra large bandages
10 large bandages
30 medium bandages
20 small bandages
20 spot bandages
3 gauze pads (different sizes)
1 gauze sponge
6 wash-up towelettes
4 alcohol swabs
1 tube antimicrobial gel
1 cold pack
1 heat pack
1 roll of surgical tape
1 pair of scissors
2 triple antibiotic ointments
2 latex gloves
4 antacids
1 roll surgical tape
1 poison ivy toxin removal cloth
2 antiseptic towelettes
1 blade
10 sting relief wipes
1 bottle of aspirin
1 silver Mylar blanket
1 bottle of itch relief
1 bite relief stick
Cotton balls
All the items going into the kit
All the items going into the kit
Assembled kit
Assembled kit
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Several years ago, a family member gifted me with a huge "first aid" kit that has overflowed into 3 bins. I sorted through them, pulled out the expired stuff, and condensed them into one manageable bin.
My herbal first aid is in a separate area. This is a conventional kit that my family is comfortable using without direct guidance from me (unlike the herbal items).

The only thing I needed to buy was bandaids. My child has a meltdown without them. I divided the big box so that she wouldn't go through it so quickly (she sees an abundance and thinks she can use more), so some are in the smaller box of bandaids in the bini

In the bin:
2 thermometers and thermometer covers
Face masks
Alcohol wipes
Hand sanitizing wipes
Bandaids and bandages
Burn cream
Cotton rounds
Stye eye drops
Clay hot/cold pack

Added: Bandaids
3 bins of first aid stuff
3 bins of first aid stuff
Discarded items
Discarded items
Purchased new bandages
Purchased new bandages
The finished first aid kit
The finished first aid kit
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We have a few weeks before my kids start traveling soccer season, So I wanted to check and update the stuff in the soccer med Kit I take to all the games.  This is addition to the regular med kit that is in the vehicle.  Everything was still intact, but the gauze looked kind of old, an easy replacement. I also replaced the hydrocortisone cream, new Band-Aids of all sizes, a face shield, eye drops, eye wash, wound wash, new ice packs, and the self adhering wraps.  Normally I would have basic meds in the kit, but some parents were kind of put off that I would give their kids meds, so I keep them in my vehicle if my kids need them.
[Thumbnail for 20240804_114210.jpg]
[Thumbnail for 20240808_105532.jpg]
[Thumbnail for 20240808_105919.jpg]
[Thumbnail for 20240808_113932.jpg]
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Rebekah Harmon approved this submission.
Note: good job, taking care off the team! What the heck with those parents, man? it's not like you're distributing ibuprofen like PEZ.... but you handled it well with back ups. Go soccer season!

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In this Badge Bit, I restocked a first aid kit. I've had this first aid kit for about 15yrs. It's only been lightly used but was ripe for a restocking.

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
  - you must create or restock a first aid kit (that needs restocking)

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
   - a before picture of the supplies to create your first aid kit (or of the current status of a first aid kit)
   - a list of the supplies in the first aid kit being created (or a list of supplies in stock and out of stock in the first aid kit)
   - an after picture of the completed first aid kit you made (or of the newly restocked first aid kit)
[Thumbnail for first-aid-kit_before-part-1.JPG]
[Thumbnail for first-aid-kit_before-part-2.JPG]
[Thumbnail for first-aid-kit-stocking-list.JPG]
[Thumbnail for first-aid-kit_after-part-1.JPG]
[Thumbnail for first-aid-kit_after-part-2.JPG]
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Nikki Roche approved this submission.

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Restocked and added to the grab and go first aid kit tonight.
suplies I started with
suplies I started with
list of what I have and what I need
list of what I have and what I need
items I added to the kit
items I added to the kit
it's a full little bag but still zips
it's a full little bag but still zips
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Mike Barkley approved this submission.

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