James Rhodes

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since Dec 20, 2018
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So this was my first ever attempt at pickling something, I have seen it done many times, but never done it myself. So for the basic recipe I followed this link: https://www.grit.com/food/recipes/classic-vinegar-brined-pickle-recipe-zmrz19jaznad/ However, I used it mainly as a blueprint/guideline of what to do. I love spice so I added a chopped jalapeno to my brine, however the brine recipe was followed exactly.
This post will have at on of pics as I chopped many large areas and have a lot of measurement pics. So for this BB, I had a few garden beds, a few active, one empty. The active ones only had a few things growing in them as I have not done much gardening this year and relied heavily on recurring perennials. So most of the chop and dropping you will see goes on mulching the area around these perennials, as well as blocking out potential weeds. Also, if you see any plants with roots on them, those were not chop/drop, I had to pull them up because they were too big to chop. Just wanted to mention that before we started to ensure BB integrity.

The measurements (pics to follow) for this BB is as follows:

Garden bed 1: 10 feet long by 10.5 feet wide = 105 square feet
Garden bed 2: 10 feet long by 10.5 feet wide = 105 square feet
Onion bed: 5 feet long by 4 feet wide= 20 square feet
Walking lane (across)- 3 feet wide by 23 feet long- 69 square feet
Walking lane (between 2 beds)- 3 feet wide by 6 feet long= 18 square feet
=342 total square feet

Sorry for all the pictures. I just wanted to make sure everything was documented. I can post measurements of the walking lanes if needed, but I think I am covered square footage wise without them lol
2 years ago
So for this BB I need to do some explaining. I attempted this with the 5 gallon bucket, however I live alone and could not produce enough organic material before it turned into mush. I believe that as a single person, even one who eats from home almost every night, I needed to reduce the size and repetitions of my compost bucket as filling 2 5 gallon buckets by person is not feasible.

So for this BB I used a roughly 1.25 gallon container as my compost bin. I had to do 12 repetitions of this BB in order to make the 10 gallon quota. The reason I did 12 is because the first two fill ups I had were only about .75 gallons full and I wanted to make sure I got this bb covered.  I had two mint plants that I used as the two spots to compost and cover. I apologize in advance for the massive amount of pictures. In an effort to avoid a colossal amount of pics, I will be adding only a few to show the two spots where everything was dumped and covered. I have more photos of stuff covered/ uncovered that I can add if needed.
2 years ago
Washed my dirty curtains with white vinegar. Definitely needed it. They had tons of dust and dog hair (my dog is shedding very badly lol)
2 years ago
This was a pretty quick BB to knock out. My mailbox did not have numbers on it, so this was a necessary BB to do.
2 years ago
I ran a hot water cycle with white vinegar in the main wash and in the bleach slot. I did have to use an old rag to scrub off some of the more stuck on grime, but overall, it is much better than before.
2 years ago
My mom got me this cute picture a few years ago and it has traveled everywhere with me, It was far past time to get it hung up in the office.
2 years ago
I had some mold starting in my shower. It was on the back wall near the window, my guess is the hot water + the cooling of the window's air probably gave it a good home to grow.
2 years ago
My chicken coop only has 2 nesting boxes. So I took pictures of two separate cleanings which occurred over the course of a few weeks (I only have 2 hens so my cleanings last a long time).
2 years ago