Patrick W Kelly

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since Jun 18, 2023
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Recent posts by Patrick W Kelly

I cleaned two handles from separate bathrooms. Used our vinegar and water solution as well as baking soda and water. Lots of elbow grease using a toothbrush and luffa to remove the gunkiness.
2 weeks ago
I cleared a pathway from our garage/back entrance to the street (needed to access the bins on the side of the house). Also cleared behind the vehicles by the street so we could venture out if need be. This was one of toughest BBs.
2 weeks ago
Client needed a new toilet seat after moving in to new home. Much nicer and no longer loose.
4 months ago
For duplication (straw badge): old light fixture in bathroom replaced with new one. Light bulbs had all stopped working.
4 months ago
I replaced the old fan (both lights and fan stopped working) in our bedroom with a new one.
4 months ago
I don't know if this counts since this door doesn't have a knob, but it does lock. The handle on the outside broke a few months ago, so it was in desperate need of repair.
9 months ago

Jim Garlits wrote:Awesome project. Just wondering if you coated it with linseed oil before hanging it. It'll last a whole lot longer if you do.


I used tung oil. In your experience, does linseed oil work better?
9 months ago
Below is a link to the post I created re: our branded garage: 'The Ite Ad Joseph Workshop.'

9 months ago
Hi, all.

Our garage, like many, has many uses: it stores our bikes and tools, it's a drying station for garlic, and it occasionally houses unwanted critters like brown recluses and mice. One special function it serves, though, is that of a woodworking workshop. Over the years, the majority of my work in it has been cutting and assembling raised garden beds for clients. Since I started the badge bit challenges back in June of 2023, I've delved into a few other projects including a Leopold bench, a step-stool, and boxes for my kids' homeschool supplies.

During this time, I've come to appreciate more the precision, technique, and strength that woodworking requires. It has also made me think more about a biblical figure who was known to be a carpenter, Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. There isn't much mentioned about him in scripture, but based on what is written about him, we can imagine that he was a humble soul who cared much for his wife and son and passed along to his son the knowledge of woodworking.

So, in honor of Joseph, I branded our garage 'The Ite Ad Joseph Workshop.' The Latin phrase means 'Go to Joseph,' and it has special meaning to Catholics since Joseph is the Patron of the Universal Church. I hope I can care for my wife and children as Joseph did for Mary and Jesus while passing on my knowledge of woodworking especially to my sons.
9 months ago