Andrew Browning

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since Nov 06, 2022
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On here to be lesser dependent on outside systems that I dont control. Building friendships and mutual supporting homesteads is my goals, along with making myself and family more stewards of the land.
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Recent posts by Andrew Browning

I installed two CO detectors today, One in the Garage and another in the guest bedroom.  I work with Garage doors and have contacted Chamberlin a few times to have a CO detector built into the garage door operator and when it detects an unsafe level, it will send an alert to your phone and raise the garage door.

PS. Dont forget to pull the battery tail out.
3 months ago
Here is an old pair of shorts my wife is tired of me wearing. While I think there is still life in them, she said no and keeping her happy is my main goal. So I took the button off and consolidated the loose buttons in my drawer into an empty fish food container and put that in my sew box. The buttons on my pockets have long since been gone and the back pockets were snaps that broke my phone screen so I cut those off about a year ago.
3 months ago
Here is my sewing tool box. Mainly it is a conglomeration of many kits from hotels and the military. I use all cotton thread but have others as they came in a hotel kit.  I have a seam ripper but mainly use my utility blade.  It is stored in an old cardboard baseball card box, they are great for sticking the needle into when getting everything else ready. Also the military case is my travel kit. I keep it in my Get home Bag or hiking pack when we re headed out.
3 months ago
A friend down the streets garage door operator kicked the bucket and asked for help.  His old Liftmaster chain drive was just over 20 years old, so I helped him pick out a new one and set to work. Took the old one down and replaced the photoeye sensors, the wall button, and installed the new Chamberlin LED belt drive. The room above is a spare bedroom and the belt drive is much quieter.  He was very happy and thankful. I got a case of beer out of the deal so it was a win- win.
4 months ago
I am in Florida for Hurricane Milton support and as I was opening boxes on a distribution line, I knicked my jeans.  I need a quick fix once I returned to the hotel. Luckily, I almost always travel with my army sewing kit. I will admit it isn't the prettiest job in the world, but it will prevent it from getting larger. Shout out to Ms. Polson my 7th grade Home Economics teacher.

**edited I used 100% cotton thread. I know it may not be best suited for repairing denim, but it came with the handy sewing kit that I have had for years.
4 months ago
Got this old axe from a garage door client. He hasnt used it in years, so it needed a little TLC.
6 months ago
I install and repair garage doors so knocking this one out again.  First picture is of my van unloaded, second with the new 14ft door panel on the van, third at the house with the busted panel new panel off and old brown panel on, and fourth picture at the house ready for taking off.  Next stop for the broken panel is the scrap yard. I used two rachet straps on the stiles of the door so they would not bend the metal. I traveled about 35 miles away on the interstate around Raleigh at speeds of 65-70 mph without issue.
6 months ago
We have a few weeks before my kids start traveling soccer season, So I wanted to check and update the stuff in the soccer med Kit I take to all the games.  This is addition to the regular med kit that is in the vehicle.  Everything was still intact, but the gauze looked kind of old, an easy replacement. I also replaced the hydrocortisone cream, new Band-Aids of all sizes, a face shield, eye drops, eye wash, wound wash, new ice packs, and the self adhering wraps.  Normally I would have basic meds in the kit, but some parents were kind of put off that I would give their kids meds, so I keep them in my vehicle if my kids need them.
6 months ago
Hello all, Can I put Guinea pig shredded paper bedding straight into the garden or should It be composted first?

We have four guinea pigs  and my kids love them. I understand they are strictly pets, but that doesnt stop me from using them as much as I can.  I give them greens from the garden daily when they are outside and move their tractor over weed area in my lawn.  Soon I will have a guinea pig tight fence and can let them run about when the kids and I are outside.  I am making a Johnson-Su composter probably in February but have just been putting the used bedding in the garden and covering mixing it in with the dirt.  Is this sufficient? Any tips or tricks are appreciated. Mainly in the garden we grow, tomatoes, peppers, onion, lettuce, swiss chard, cabbage.
2 years ago