Luke Mitchell flagged this submission as not complete.
BBV price: 1
Note: I'm sorry - this BB is for "wild plants" and states that the ingredients "must be wild foods - not gleaning or harvesting from an actively cultivated space". If you can find a clean source of nettles, that would count!
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Living and growing on my small homestead near a project of permaculture school.
"There are no non-radical options left before us" Naomie Klein in This Changes Everything
Luke Mitchell approved this submission.
Note: Beautiful spot for a cup of tea!
paul wheaton wrote:
Mike Jay wrote:Make a cup of tea from one of:
- nettle
- rose hips
- mint
- pineapple weed
What might be added to this list?
Clayton Rogers wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:
Mike Jay wrote:Make a cup of tea from one of:
- nettle
- rose hips
- mint
- pineapple weed
What might be added to this list?
Would a tea made with Yaupon Holly be acceptable?
Unfortunately it is listed for zones 7a-9.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:I doubt that Yaupon Holly will grow in Montana:
Unfortunately it is listed for zones 7a-9.
The BB(Badge Bits) are "PEP: Permaculture Experience according to Paul."
Clayton Rogers wrote:Ah, I missed the post that mentioned plants foraged must be able to be found in Missoula. This being something you can participate in online, I thought it would be adaptable to different areas...
Anne Miller wrote:I doubt that Yaupon Holly will grow in Montana:
Unfortunately it is listed for zones 7a-9.
The BB(Badge Bits) are "PEP: Permaculture Experience according to Paul."
Someone approved this submission.
Note: I hereby certify this badge bit complete.
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