Turkeys tend to only use their wings to escape predators or roost high enough to be safe from them. Otherwise they live like Tyrannosaurus rex.confused turkeys. They were running back and forth next to a section of livestock fencing, apparently having forgotten they possess wings.
In plant-related news: good news, Hans Quisdorff! One of your grapevines pulled through and survived the summer! It's about four inches tall at the moment, but the leaves look healthy and there are several curly vines spreading out. Hopefully they make it to the trellis cable soon.
Travis Johnson wrote:Not really a "green" product, but one that is commonly done, and one that will literally kill you, is cleaning a barn with bleach.
The mixture of ammonia in the manure (especially chickens and sheep) along with the chlorine, will produce Mustard Gas...yes THE mustard gas of World War I.