I collected a (baker's) dozen eggs from my family's
It took a few days to get a dozen, as we have only five hens (three Buff Orpingtons and two whitings) and one of them is on maternity leave.
We ordered these together with their Buff Orpington rooster, Prof. Layton, as chicks from a hatchery a year ago as of Holy Week (the week before Easter Sunday), and we have greatly enjoyed watching them grow, free-range, and provide us with lovely eggs. We keep them in a coop we built in the
yard, and they forage for lovely bugs and other treats during the day. I have found it especially marvelous that they continued to thrive and lay through the winter, including what the locals call the great Texas Snowpacalypse, and to see our broody hen Mustardseed bring four little chicks into the light of day.
"[6] Let the people, O God, confess to Thee: let all the people give praise to Thee: [7] The earth hath yielded her fruit. May God, our God bless us, [8] May God bless us: and all the ends of the earth fear Him." (Psalms 66/67)