Yuri Cottonwood

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since Apr 03, 2020
Merit badge: bb list bbv list
I am a ski patroller and professional tinkerer. I like making things, building things, and fixing things. I like obscure projects and recycling used lumber to make beautiful spaces. I really like being outside, mountain biking, exploring the mountains, taking photos, and dancing!
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Fernie, British Columbia
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Recent posts by Yuri Cottonwood

Hi there! I have finally found some time to work on the videos that I took during the BB20 Event a few weeks ago. Is someone able to share with me the music track that goes at the end of the video please?

2 years ago
I believe I have fulfilled the requirements here. Now I can come to the BB20 event! Very excited to see Wheaton Labs in the flesh

Woodland Care
Chaisaw Dead Tree
Bowsaw Dead Tree
Limb 4 Trees

Racing Switch - 2 Points
Automatic Window - 2 Points

Animal Care
Collect A Dozen Eggs

Sweep Floor
Clean oily dish no soap
Clean Bathroom
Wash Dishes By Hand
Clean Kitchen - Pending

Tool Care
Sharpen Knife
Sharpen Hatchet
Adjust shifters on bike - 1/2 Point
Clean Oil Bike Chain - 1/2 Point
Adjust Brakes Bike - 1/2 Point

Dimensional Lumber
Make Sign
Make Box/Crate
Beginner Bird House

Food Prep
Cook Soup
Cast Iron Slidy Egg
Make Two Loaves of Bread
2 years ago
Gathering firewood the last couple of days. Here are 4 trees that I limbed using a chainsaw:
2 years ago
More firewood gathering today, The clear skies and cool weather make it a treat this time of year. I decided to fell this dead standing larch with the bowsaw to see if I could do it. This was ambitious for the bowsaw and it was A LOT of work, really helped me appreciate the chainsaw for sure! A little help from Mr. Wedge and I got through and fell right where I wanted it! Should make some nice firewood.
2 years ago
Kitchen was in need of attention! It is always so satisfying when you have a nice clean space afterwards.

I used a bit of dish soap from the unscented co. for the sink, dishes, and for mopping the floor. Here is the link to their website: https://unscentedco.com/collections/dishwashing/products/dish
2 years ago
Getting a wee bit of firewood yesterday. Here is a nice fir that I cut down:
2 years ago
Hi there! I think I can apply for my sand badge in this category:

Wood burned sign: https://permies.com/p/1389976
Build Box: https://permies.com/p/1389980
Bird House: https://permies.com/p/1398662

This will be my first completed badge! Woohoo!
Working on Ashley's bike so we can go for a ride together! These are disc brakes so a bit different than the example but I had to adjust them so I thought I would take a video. Here it is, before, during and after adjustment.

2 years ago
This bike has only been on a dozen or so rides so the chain is not super dirty. That said, it is much easier to keep the chain clean and running well if you do this regularly, rather than letting the gunk build up! I perform this procedure after most rides. I also make a point to clean and lube the chain any time I use the hose to clear the mud off, otherwise it tends to rust. I just cleaned the bike so it's time to take care of the chain!

2 years ago
This is my mountain bike. It is a recreational tool and it keeps me happy and healthy by letting me explore the trails. Good shifting is ket to getting around on any bicycle and the principles are the same for most shifters and derailleurs:

2 years ago