Nice blog Erik, I hereby certify this BB complete!
Check out the plans to build your own charka-style spinning wheel from bicycle parts
Explore the intersection of permaculture, community, and the cycle of life at Herland Forest Natural Burial Cemetery and the Windward Education and Research Center
Mike Haasl approved this submission.
The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. - Job 1:21
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
"Woah" is exactly what I said when I first saw that picture too
Small-holding, coppice and grassland management on a 16-acre site.
Mike Barkley approved this submission.
You are welcome to check out my blog at or my artwork at
Opalyn Rose approved this submission.
Note: I certify this badge bit complete.
Brent Paschall - Evangelist Blue Ridge Church of Christ - PEP Homeschool dad of Bethany and John
David Huang approved this submission.
Note: I hearby certify this complete.
J Lane
David Huang approved this submission.
Note: I hearby certify this complete.
crispy bacon. crispy tiny ad:
Switching from electric heat to a rocket mass heater reduces your carbon footprint as much as parking 7 cars