Pat Hupp

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since Jan 13, 2023
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Recent posts by Pat Hupp

Andrés Bernal wrote:

Pat Hupp wrote:2 of the movies are not showing up just an FYI....

Hi Pat, thanks for pointing this out! I just double checked and all of them appear to me, strange. Ill look further.

All looks good now BTW sorry for the late checking on it...
2 months ago
2 of the movies are not showing up just an FYI....
2 months ago
FYI getting
This video does not exist."
6 months ago
Looking forward to the book if i ever get the time
7 months ago

paul wheaton wrote:So much work went into this movie.  What do you all think?

It shows you all becoming a studio for this stuff.... Well done ....
10 months ago
If it is like what we call a toaster oven here..... I would put a slight tilt on it (do to your location) a hole on top towards the back that i could put a piece of pipe or a square tube painted black (made of metal) to act as a chimney to pull air our. the front can be simple metal painted black on the outside with a mesh for about 3cm (or an inch) or just use and 80 or 90 % solar screen across the entire front... rotating racks helps in most decorators. In simplest terms remember all you are trying to do is warm the air and move the air.... so there is a lot of ways to make it work.... On the forums here plus sites like build it solar can give you lots of ideas....  Give the dimensions  and see if some one can size it for you...
11 months ago
Agreed natural gas, electric, propane, and even cord word around my area has gone up if purchasing but not nearly as fast.... propane in bulk about 100 dollars per 100lb tank Average for eltric in KY is 13.31 cents per kilowatt hour. Wood is 250-350 a cord but i can usually get it from fruit tree trimmings for 25 a box so about 100 a cord or so... this is in  my area near Morehead ky .... edit to ad info From 12.21 to 14.58 Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet last year and this average in KY with looks like that is with almost 90% reporting for both years up to the tenth month this year... hope that makes sense... reading off of some very dry reports LOL
1 year ago
A rocket mass heater does need tending to when firing it on the other hand it gives of heat for many hours or days depending on design used. So yes it takes some tending till the mass is hot then you are done with it. The mass is the key to it taking far less time over all to deal with then a standard wood burner. The mass is also what helps it efficiency by holding heat that would go up the pipe and outside. Research some more about rocket mass heaters and you will see what I mean...
1 year ago
Here pea gravel is around 3/8" and I usually buy bulk so 20% or so it to big or to small. In metric that mean screen it and any thing bigger than 10mm save for something else and any thing smaller than say 6 or 7 mm screen out also every thing in between should be fine. Also you can use some large rocks in the layers for mass but because you still want airflow I am not to keen on the idea of the bricks except for maybe a top on it and then you will need air holes on the side. As for your other questions I will leave that to the people who know this far better than myself Good luck with your build.
1 year ago