Ross Corristan

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since Jul 08, 2022
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Recent posts by Ross Corristan

Hi Paul,
I am sorry to hear about this.

I have found myself in a situation where I have to indefinitely stop work on my own food forest and my entire life has been paused until I receive news on how to move forward (I'd be happy to elaborate in a more private way of communicating).

Until then, I am available for labor and support and am actively searching for an opportunity to continue regenerative food forestry work. Perhaps we could chat about your needs and what's available? What is the best way to connect?
One of my hens appears to have gone broody in a nesting box in my coop, and I would love to just let her do her thing and raise her chicks naturally.

What do I absolutely need to do to make sure she has everything she needs? What should I absolutely not do so I don't disturb her? Do I need to protect the young chicks from the other hens/rooster?

Any and all advice would be great.
2 years ago
I've been looking for sustainably made and vegan shoes for a while. These look great!
2 years ago
Hi Veronica, I am near Sebastian. It's on the east coast just South of Melbourne.
2 years ago
Hey there Laura, I'm 31 and living off grid in a small cabin in Florida with my dog. I'm just getting started with my permaculture homestead. I'm on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube as the New Nassau Food Forest. You can check out me and the project and see if it's something you like. I'd be very interested in chatting with you.
2 years ago
Hey there, my name is Ross, and I bought 9 acres in Florida a year and a half ago. I dug a pond and have planted over 100 trees, put up a small cabin, installed a hand pump well, put in a driveway and parking pad, and have started to establish a nice garden. I'm still beginning but I do intend to make this place more comfortable as the years go on.

My dream is for this place to be food independent, and teach yoga and permaculture classes, as well as host campers and a few other long term residents. I would hope to one day have my future kids and grandkids all living out here with me. I also have put a strong focus on planting native species that provide food and shelter to native insects and wildlife.

I have one local restaurant lined up that I know I can sell to, and a few other produce stands, and the opportunity to sell to neighbors is there as well.

As far as myself and a relationship goes, I value honesty, dedication, good communication, and loyalty. I like animals, yoga, and spending time in nature, but enjoy socializing as well. I'm a vegetarian but will consider eating animals if it makes me fully food independent. You're dietary choices are not a deal breaker. I think I'm pretty easy going, once you get past the pioneer life in the woods haha.
There's plenty of room for you to work on your own projects and designs out here, as well as work and grow with me.
2 years ago