Tj Kelsey

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since Aug 08, 2022
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Joylynn Hardesty wrote:The name was poke sallat. I think people have been mispronouncing this word so long it has become normalized. Poke salad is not to be interpreted as eating it raw. We've just changed how it is spelled and spoken.

Well now, that ‘splains a lot! Thanks, I’ve been away from this part of the country for decades and am still learning the lingo, and the weeds.
2 years ago

Caitlin Robbins wrote:I always thought pokeweed was poisonous except for, was it the young shoots?

It is very poisonous (to people) once it gets past the young shoots stage. The roots and berries are always toxic. Since it’s hard to know just when the leaves are no longer safe, there are cooking methods to reduce the risk. If I remember right, you should boil it, drain it, boil it in new water, drain it, then cook it for serving or canning. And still, use only the leaves from young plants (like before the stems start to turn red). Of course, some people say poke weed salad is tasty, but I haven’t had the nerve to try it raw.
2 years ago
From the land of giant pokeweed- I know they’re edible when young and cooked right, but they’re everywhere. Perennials with strong roots, I need a hori hori knife! Even if I got them all, the birds will reseed plenty more, so in a crisis I can alway count on spring seedlings to harvest.
2 years ago
So, it’s been a few years… have you had any success with you valerian plants near black walnut trees?
2 years ago