Tanya Kieselbach

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since Aug 13, 2022
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Recent posts by Tanya Kieselbach

I built a round and fire-resistant dog house a few years ago.  It was fun to build and decorate it, and it looks cool!
The solar panels are for the pond bubblers - I put in a small pond in front of the dog house, and it has mosquito fish in it that need oxygen.
2 years ago
One bed, one bath, one big room downstairs, open kitchen - living room.
2 years ago
I can recommend 'Decent Exposures':
Undies are made to order from natural fiber, and they have organic cotton options, too. They'll even alter your undies for you, if they didn't fit perfectly when you tried them on.
No, I'm not getting kickback from this business. But they produce good quality, and I really like their business model.
2 years ago
Hi Permies,
I'm letting go of my homestead and would much rather it went to a fellow permie than just anybody. Here are some details:

30 acres Sierra Nevada foothills
3 parcels, each one borders on Lake Oroville, close to Ponderosa Reservoir
off-grid cabin with solar, propane for water heater and cooking stove, wood stove for heat, downstairs room is built into the hillside and stays nice and cool during the summer, custom cabinets and hardwood floor
solar well, pump refills water tanks automatically, gravity feed from water tanks to cabin
veggie garden
chicken coop
long driveway with sturdy gate for privacy
fenced yards
good internet and cell phone service
asking $280,000

Let me know if you're interested!

2 years ago
I find it helpful to modify tools. Sometimes it's as simple as removing the handle. For example, I can't work with a regular pickaxe for long, but if I only use the head of the pickaxe, I can get a lot of digging done. The head by itself has less weight and the bodymechanics are so much easier without the long handle. I feel like I can use my core muscles more that way, and don't have to rely so much on arm and upper body muscles. Another example is that I don't like using a fence post driver. It totally tires out my arms. But I have a reasonably easy time putting t-posts in using the head of a sledge hammer. Just the head, without the handle. Works great for me. Women's body mechanics are different, the distribution of muscles is different and - on average - the overall bodymass is different. Tools need to reflect that. We need more diversity in the world of tools.
2 years ago