Jeffrey Foster

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since Sep 09, 2022
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Books by Octavia Randolph are great! Begin with the Circle of Ceridwen. The books take place in the 9th century in England with Viking attacks, King Alfred and more. The books are very well written and deeply researched.
1 year ago
I am interested in growing a living fence of osage orange or other suitable trees. Do you have any suggestions about the best way to do this?
1 year ago
Hi Helen,

I'm working through your Master Gardening course online. It is encouraging to know more about no-till gardening and how to make it work. I have a question about planting raspberries. I have bought plants at the big box stores, and have had marginal success getting them to grow. I suspect part of my problem is planting prior to the last frost. Do you have any suggestions that will help improve my raspberry plants and their production?

Jeff Foster
1 year ago
Is it a bad idea to plant raspberry plants before frost season is over?
1 year ago
Welcome, Mark! The terms coppice and agroforestry are brand new to me. I try to plant at least two to five trees a year, but would consider myself a novice when it comes to technique or knowledge in this area. So far this year i have planted fruit trees, sassafras and gingko. I want to transplant some persimmon trees, and hope to get pawpaw, hawthorn started from seed, as well as elderberries from cuttings. Since we heat our home with firewood, coppicing looks to be a valuable source of future firewood.
2 years ago