Jen Brant

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since Sep 26, 2022
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Recent posts by Jen Brant

Chris McClellan wrote:Lisa Orr and I are meeting in Ohio the first week of February 2023 to build our demo rocket kiln for the Nceca Ceramics Conference rocket kiln firing demo at Queen City Clay in Cincinnati Ohio in March 2023.  Anyone want to come play?

I would absolutely come if I lived closer. What an awesome addition to NCECA. I can't wait to see the results!
2 years ago
I am giddy with excitement. Like over the moon. I have been researching for awhile to try an find an alternative to a gas kiln and this is the first realistic possibility. I figured there had to be a way to fire a kiln with a rocket engine. I would happily buy plans for this! And the bonus of a forge and crucible? This is my dream thread.
2 years ago
Hi Judson,
I am excited to take a look at your book. I have been practicing thoughtful foraging and seasonal eating for awhile now (and fermentation...I love fermentation) here on the Salish Sea. My partner and I forage wild plants and fungi on the land we steward and occasionally elsewhere. He just brought home some of stink currants- ribes bracteosum, if you are partial to the latin names - which I used for a filling in a cake.
I wonder if you touch on the ethics of foraging wild plants at all in your book? Up here in Canada, many of us are trying to find ways of reconciling with First Nations, and foraging on Crown or government lands which are often unceded indigenous lands, is controversial when one is interested in respecting Indigenous sovereignty. I know this is a complicated topic, and I am not really looking for an answer, I am much more interested in discussion.  Thoughts?
2 years ago