Rachael Koch

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since Nov 18, 2022
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Recent posts by Rachael Koch

S Bengi wrote:Given that the solar panels will produce 30% less energy, Just install 30% more solar panels.
Likewise your fruit trees will have to produce 30% less, either by human culling our it happens naturally, you might just have to plant 30% more fruit tree

Less sun is actually better for leafy vegetables, they are bigger, less stringy, softer and take longer to bolt/flower, so its actually a good thing.

With 1acre you can plant 180fruite trees on 15ft center. I think you have enough land to plant more than enough fruit trees and still have a surplus so go for it and buy the property.

Thankyou, you are quite right. If it is simply the yield that is reduced it is no real problem. I am more worried about a shortened growing season where the same yield doesn't ripen at all. But I imagine we will learn the land line any other and figure out slowly what can and can't be grown there.
2 years ago

greg mosser wrote:in my area in the northern hemisphere, it’s not uncommon to plant orchards on north-facing slopes, since it can delay flowering enough to avoid late frosts. what kind of grade are we talking about? is there an actual peak that will shade the property, or is it just the aspect that you’re worries about?

That's quite interesting! Figs here tend to be lost to late frosts so perhaps if I can find a prime spot 😂🤞

It's about 15%, or 11°, although some parts are a little steeper and some a little flatter. No particular peak (although a few houses to the north). But I'm aware everything we want will be casting its own massive shadow.
2 years ago
Also Nancy your site looks fantastic! I have gotten so absorbed in reading the forum today I've achieved little bit have lots of new fabulous ideas 😂
2 years ago

Nancy Reading wrote: Having the slope does make gardening more tricky, but in an area closer to the equator, simply terracing to give a flat surface may be sufficient.

Unfortunately we are in Tasmania Australia, so not near the equator. We can grow tomatoes, but capsicums require a greenhouse most seasons. I don't want to tip into needing a greenhouse for cucumber and toms too 😂🤞 we eat too many of them.
2 years ago

Tereza Okava wrote:my next door neighbor's garden lot faces south/southwest (also southern hem), she gets all sorts of good stuff. I think the individual site speaks a lot more than general things, as well as what you will plant on it. I have a passionfruit vine that I let "escape" into her yard, so it's on the SSW-facing wall of my garage, and that thing is covered with fruit! And another neighbor has a similar vine on the same orientation- they seem to appreciate it a lot.

I garden in an urban setting and I would happily trade an unshaded SSW facing slope for my current garden that is slopy and shaded by neighboring buildings for half the day. (and yet, I still get amazing yields!)
I'd look around the area and see what other people are growing, what is happy there, and as mentioned, see what you can do to make things work.

You make an excellent point! When I garden in a suburban block all corners are used for what they can be, regardless of aspect or inconvenient neighbourhood shade. I think I just got caught up in the fact that all the permaculture books have aspect as the key unchangeable.
2 years ago

Anne Miller wrote:We have never had a problem gardening based on which way the property faces.

That's great to hear Anne. Do you mind if I ask where in the world you are? Around the tropics my understanding is that it makes very little difference, but in Tasmania it will be significant. Not necessarily unworkable of course! But noticeable.

We have done some observation, but to be honest I'm not so worried about this time of year as winter, and the start and end of the growing season. In our mid summer everywhere is sunny ☀️
2 years ago

Luke Mitchell wrote:Our land (Northern Hemisphere) faces east and slightly north. I know it put off other prospective buyers as we have been told as much by one of them!

We also have large, mature trees on several boundaries and a partially sloped site.

Luke, thank you for your detailed and thoughtful response! Your 100,000 calories is incredibly encouraging. You are absolutely right that there is no single perfect piece of land- we are getting more info from council, and boundaries surveyed but I am feeling very much like it is possible, so thankyou! I will definitely share updates if it all goes ahead 🤞
2 years ago
South West facing block (we are in the southern hemisphere).

Hi all, my hubby and I have been looking for bigger land, that's still close into town, and a place we can afford has finally come up! 1.75 acres, and sloped (approx 10°).

The catch is that it faces south west.

I've gardened terrible sandy soils before, and low lying boggy ones with no slope at all, but I've never tried anything that simply faces the wrong way.

The internet tells me that
A) it's a terrible idea as fruit and veg production must be North facing, and that (according to solar panel calculators the block will receive nearly 30% less solar energy than optimum aspect and angle land.

AND at the same time

B) that in climates where water access is what limits growth (eg, Australian summers), South facing blocks actually show increased productivity, soil organic matter and vegetative production. (These studies are done on forest ecosystems, not agricultural systems).

Does anyone have first hand successes, failures or feedback on whether it's worth trying? Or any knowledge of whether the decreased solar energy will effect yield, growing season length, or something else entirely?
2 years ago
Felco does a high quality 'ladies' pair- they are a smaller size than the standard. I find them easy to sharpen too, which may help with strength.

They're not cheap tools, but I rarely find cheap tools to save me money in the end! If you're looking for something on more of a budget though, perhaps a child's pair?
2 years ago