Tyler Rest

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since Nov 27, 2022
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Hello all

I'm hoping to one day return to MT and build my own permaculture paradise. Eventually.

I understand that there's the Wheaton labs and plenty of other independent permies in western Montana. I would like to get some hard earned wisdom from this community on green flags and red flags when picking a property. Feel free to ramble on any lessons you've learned that are regionally apropos.
Are there any indicator plants or ecology that telegraph a plot that's more suitable for homesteading? What are some things that one might want to avoid?

For now I'm running on the assumption that healthy/thick grasses indicate sufficient water and sun exposure. And to avoid low shady spots in valleys.
A lot of cheap land is very sloped and wooded, on the sides of mountains. I've seen terraced projects in warmer areas like CA and OR, but I can't help but feel like such a setup would be much more challenging and undesirable in MT; because of the winters.
Rarely are lots mixed. Typically they're fully wooded or wide open field. Would you recommend against either or to try and hold out for a mixture lot with trees and good gardening spaces (before or after clearing)?
It's not a deal breaker, but I'm prioritizing natural water sources like springs or creeks. Do you find this unnecessary or savvy?

Thanks in advance
7 months ago
It's happened to me a few times and you don't want it. You maybe want the ego boost, but it's not worth it. It's so awkward and cringey. There's a feeling of guilt that you have to humor the match maker. The encounters are weird and uncomfortable since they are manufactured instead of spontaneous. And then there's more guilt when you're not interested in your family/ friend's pick.

paul wheaton wrote:
This is the first time we have ever offered it.

Wonderful, here's to hoping it's the first of many! Thanks Paul.
2 years ago
What's the frequency of this tour? I doubt I'll be able to make this one, and I'm curious how long until I could get another chance.
2 years ago
Great share Kevin!

I hope you turned the ghost pipe into tinctures. I'm under the impression that ghost pipe is difficult to cultivate on purpose and is usually foraged. But it makes a strong medicine.

Are you selling your mushrooms by chance? I'm considering growing for farmers markets and I have no clue how economically viable mushrooms are right now. I'm sure it's highly dependent on location. But you've been at it, you've got an idea of the labor and input costs. How much would you have to sell them for to not only break even, but make it worth the time and effort?
2 years ago
What are the negatives one has to worry about from a local feed/fleet store? Temperament and heartiness mostly?
2 years ago
What are some of the oddest feed stocks that you managed to successfully grow mushrooms off of? I'm curious what potential there is for growing off plant waste from processing plants like apple pulp from a juice factory.
2 years ago
Have you used earth tubes to cool your house? If so, what are some lessons learned?
What do you do about filtering the air during dust / wildfire season? Did you do anything special to ensure a strong updraft, like install a solar chimney?
2 years ago