Sandra Nwankwo

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since Jan 05, 2023
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Recent posts by Sandra Nwankwo

That was funny.  I shared it with my husband.  He's a correctional officer.  He's going to share with his collesgues.

thomas rubino wrote:Molly's daily journal...
Fluffy's saga of captivity and abuse! (soon to be a major motion picture)

1 year ago
Hello Blake,

Welcome to this platform. We’re happy to have you here Green Thumber.

Spring is here and dear to me. I have been eating blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries as part of my Keto diet forover two minths.  I am proud to say that I have lost over 25 pounds.  Also since before the pandemic, I have been attempting to grow berries at home.  So far I've failed; however, failure is part of life. Is it not?  The Berry Grower: Small Scale Organic Fruit Production in the 21st Century will help me grow even further from my failure and use the book's strategies and solutions for a successful small-scale, non-chemical fruit production.  I want to be part of Gaia's farmers and growers of the 21st century.  
Question: Does your book contain information of how to grow herbal berries like hawthorn berries, gooseberries, elderberries, etc? Also, does your book explain how to grow berries from the stem?
1 year ago
I pledge $80 yesterday. How do I access the early bird offers? How do I pay the one dollar for each of them? The link keeps on taking me to the movie’s kickstarter page
1 year ago
Those green plums look delicious. Where can I purchase them? Do you have a link?
1 year ago